Alaska's Young Family Network

Advocating for Children with Mental Disorders

Alaska Map Outline

Welcome | Networking | Long Range Plan | Links | Membership Application


This is home for families and professionals who want to work as partners to improve services for children who have mental disorders.

About this web site

Learn about our purposes and how this site is organized.

Our Network

Learn about the Network to help families improve services for their children.

Our Long-Range Plan

Learn about our planning process and how it links to the Young Family Network.

Resource Links

Here's a fast way to find other Internet resources of interest to activists who want to help children.

AYFN's On-Line Membership Application

This simple form will allow you to join AYFN. No charge, no other memberships required.

Excerpts from the current (2000/2001) grant application.

It's free, and you do not need to be a member of any other group inorder to join.

This is the 5/26/01 update.
The contents of the site will change to reflect the will of the membership. You're comments and suggestions are invited


| Welcome | About this web site

Young Family Network

| Introduction | Tips | Plans | Events | Forum | Chat Room | Publications | Membership Form

Long-range Plan

| Introduction | Mission, Goals & Assumptions | Service Principles | Issue Papers


| Resource Links

 Email us webmaster
Date Last Modified: 5/7/01