My Fave 'My So-Called Life' Quotes: (WE HAD A TIME!)
"My parents keep asking me how school was. It's like saying 'How was
that drive-by shooting?' You don't care how is *was,* you're lucky to
get out alive." -- Angela
"It just seems like, you agree to have a certain personality or
something. For no reason. Just to make things easier for everyone. But
when you think about it, I mean, how do you know it's even you? And, I
mean, this whole thing with yearbook--it's like, everybody's in this big
hurry to make this book, to supposedly remember what happened. Because
if you made a book of what really happened, it'd be a really upsetting
book." -- Angela to Ms. Mayhew
"Everybody's an act. Including you." -- Angela to Brian
"I can't believe this. I hate everyone." -- Angela
"I knew then that the rumor was right, not in actuality but in my heart
because at that moment I would have done anything, I wanted him so
much." -- Angela
"Let's ignore Angela. She can't help herself. She's the product of a two
parent household." -- Rayanne
"Anything causes a scar -- living causes a scar. My mother has a
humongous scar from having me, does that mean that I should never have
been born?" -- Rayanne to Angela
"Sometimes it seems like we're all living in some kind of prison, and
the crime is how much we all hate ourselves. It's good to get really
dressed up once in a while and admit the truth -- that when you really
look closely, people are so strange and so complicated that they're
actually beautiful. Possibly even me." – Angela
"Maybe teachers have a hidden life, where they're actually, like, human.
Where they have, I don't know, dignity. Or maybe not." – Angela
"A Fable" Once upon a time there lived a girl. She slept in a lovely
little cottage made of gingerbread and candy. She was always asleep.
One morning she woke up and the candy had molde on it. Her father blew
her a kiss and the house fell down. She realized she was lost. She found
herself walking down a crowded street, but the people were made of
paper, like paper dolls. She blew everyone a kiss goodbye and watched as
they blew away. -- written by Angela
"Love is when you look into someone's eyes and suddenly you go all the
way inside, to their soul, and you both know instantly. I always
imagined I'd fall in love nursing a blind soldier who was wounded in
battle. Or maybe while rescuing someone in the middle of a blizzard,
seconds before the avalanche hits. I thought at least by the age of 15
I'd have a love life, but I don't even have a *like* life." – Angela
"This life has been a test. If it had been an actual life, you would
have received actual instructions on where to go and what to do." – Angela
"There are so many different ways to be connected to people. There are
the people you feel this unspoken connection to, even though there's not
even a word for it. There's the people you've known forever who
like...know this way...That other people can't. Because they've
seen you change. They've *let* you change." – Angela
"I love parties -- throwing them, going to them, recovering from them."
-- Amber, to Patty
"Sometimes I think if my mother weren't so good at pretending to be
happy, she'd be better at actually *being* happy." – Angela
"So my feeling is, whatever happens, happens."
"I have to say, I really respect that." -- Jordan and Angela
"There's something about Sunday night that really makes you want to kill
yourself." – Angela
"A person can have feelings for someone even if they're not like, *THE*
person anymore." – Angela
"It's always tempting to lose yourself with someone, who's maybe lost
themselves." – Patti
"Why are you like this?""Like what?""Like how you are."
"How am I?"---Jordan and Angela
"It's like you think you're safe or something, 'cause you can just walk
away, anytime, because you don't like, need her. You don't need anyone.
But the thing you didn't realize is, you're wrong." -- Jordan, to Patty
Angela: That it's my decision... my life... what gives you the right to
tell me how to feel?
"What I, like, dread is when people who know you in completely different
ways end up in the same area. You have to develop this, like,
combination you on the spot."
Miscellaneous Quotes:
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience by which
you really stop to look fear in the face.
You are able to say to
yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that
comes along.'" -- Eleanor Roosevelt
"When you go to high school, the first day you become what you're going
to be for those four years...not because that's necessarily what you
want to be, but because there are 300 people around you who make you
that." -- Jennifer Love Hewitt
"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming
it." -- Helen Keller
"If you give everything about yourself, you become a prostitute." --
Raine Maida, January 1998, 'Lowdown Magazine'
"God made pot. Man made beer. Whom do you trust?" --Unknown
"No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for
happiness, the good he seeks." -- Mary Wollstonecraft (thanks for this
quote Derek!)
"And I don't want the world to see me, cuz I don't think that they'd
understand." 'Iris' --Goo Goo Dolls
"You're happy cause you smile, but how much can you fake?" --'Superman's
Dead' Our Lady Peace
"It takes a thousand voices to tell a single story." -- Native American Saying
"It's all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself
back." --Mick Jagger (thanks dave!)
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while
and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever, the same."
-- Source Unknown (thanks mel!:))
"It's okay to feel pain, to need help, to feel love--just feel it
without hiding. Come out from under the protective covers, from behind
the rigid walls and the suffocating personas, and take a breath of
life." -- Sarah J. Vogt (From 'Chicken Soup for the Teenage
Soul'...which I recommend to everyone)
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle." -- Plato
"In the darkest hour the soul is replenished and given strength to
continue and endure." -- Heart Warrior Chosa