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Imagine a home infested with termites.  That house may 
not fall today, but it will 
crash over time



Porn is a parasite that will rob your soul and over time
will cause you to crash


Get rid of the termites 
Start Today!!! 

Imagine a life free from the use of pornography.

Imagine being completely free!

Impossible?  No.




  • Here is a checklist to destroy most (and hopefully all) sources of porn in your life.  
  • The effectiveness of this checklist depends on your actions.
  • Ready to begin?


[ ] Tell someone you intend to destroy all sources to your pornography, and to take serious preventative measures. Ask them to follow-up on your plan (share this plan with them).  You can find groups and people to share this with in the links area. Find a priest, pastor or counselor.  You don't have to be religious to visit a priest.  Yes, they may try to "convert" you.  If you are not ready, just tell them you are immediately interested in being free from this addiction.  Alternatively, you can look in your local newspaper, or phone book and find the local chapter of SLAA or SLA (SEE LINKS PAGE) and share it at a group meeting, or with an individual who seems to have recovery. 



[ ] With complete reckless abandon,  scour your house and DESTROY all porn 

(this means actual destruction as in destroyed - does not mean give to your buddies or friends or leave it so someone else can find it - even by accident at the city dump). 

[ ] Choose a destruction method so the materials can no longer be used for their intended purpose, and can NOT be repaired.

[ ] Take these same actions if you happen store porn in a storage unit or somewhere else other than your home.


[ ] Take your computer and put it in FULL VIEW IN THE MOST occupied place in your home!!!

= [ ] This addiction thrives in the dark - Get your computer out of the shadows!


[ ] Destroy the following (and anything not listed here that supports your habit*):

= [ ] Magazines*

= [ ] VCR tapes (or Beta tapes if you have them)*

= [ ] Stop renting the wrong types of movies.

= [ ] Floppy disks of any variety*

= [ ] Printed images of any kind*

= [ ] Compact Disks (break with a hammer, or scratch repeatedly with 25 grit sandpaper)

= [ ] Books - tear up by the spine of the book.*

= [ ] Posters - shred into pieces.*

= [ ] Sex toys (if this applies)

= [ ] Software that supports your habit in any fashion whatsoever (including archiving software, or scan-inventory software).

= [ ] Other items with printed pictures that support addiction.

= [ ] Computer Screensavers*

= [ ] "Backgrounds" (the picture your computer has at the "desktop"*

= [ ] Calendars*

= [ ] Clothes that support or promote the addiction, that have graphic pictures, words, etc or other features that do not help you.*

= [ ] Remove those bumper stickers or license plate frames on your cars that remind you of a lifestyle you wish to leave behind.

= [ ] Replace the car-scent thing that hangs in your car with one without graphic pictures.

Remove all the images from your locker at the gym.*  

= [ ] If you have a fireplace, burn it all.  (Use caution if you are burning VCR tapes, or anything toxic.  You need to breathe fresh air.  Make sure you have good ventilation and your FLUE IS OPEN to your fireplace so you don't smoke up your home).  Or shred it.  

= [ ] Other items not listed here that supports your addiction.

[ ] After the destruction party, throw it all into the trash!


[ ] Burn, shred or destroy any written materials or written records of websites or sources where you have found porn. 

[ ] Go through your computer completely and destroy all images you have saved.  

[ ] DO NOT back up these files - erase them.  

[ ] Format all external disks where you store the images - floppy disks, zip disks, etc (not your hard drive) using "full format" feature.  

[ ] Use "Defrag" feature - see your computer manual, or go to .

[ ] Go through your "favorites" or "bookmarks" ("favorites" is for Microsoft Internet Explorer, "bookmarks" is for Netscape Navigator) DELETE ALL references to your addiction

[ ] Call your phone company and place a block on area code 900 phone calls.

[ ] DELETE subscriptions to all materials that will fuel your addiction: 

[ ] Magazines (Yes, including Sports Illustrated Swimsuit - you can ask that magazine company to alter your current subscription so you do NOT receive that one issue, but still receive all other true sports issues).

[ ] Movies or VCR tapes you receive.

[ ] Emails you receive regularly, or irregularly with questionable material.

[ ] Delete email accounts you used to receive questionable material.

[ ] Calendars

[ ] Online computer subscriptions

[ ] Book subscriptions

[ ] Cable TV subscriptions (you might be able to tell your cable company to remove certain channels)

[ ] Catalogs that are improper for you (Yes, including Victoria's Secret, and anything like that or worse).

[ ] Change your routine where you eat meals or "entertainment".

[ ] Change your "entertainment" so you are not exposed to temptation.  This can mean different things for different people.  


[ ] If your addiction is one with another person other than your wife or committed partner, restore yourself with your wife or partner and do whatever is necessary to end the wrong relationship.  Get guidance from a pastor, priest, counselor or close friend who has a lot of integrity.

[ ] For travelers, tell the front desk to unauthorize the naughty cable channels, or ask them to remove the television from the room. - Don't rent the bad or questionable movies.

[ ] While traveling, If you go somewhere to use internet service - take a person with integrity WITH you.

[ ] While traveling, make arrangements with someone at your home (or in one of the support groups listed in the links page) - to call them when you arrive at the hotel - let them know you're not going to go to the wrong places.  Be honest.

[ ] Do not go through this alone!



-[ ]- Make a commitment NOT TO RETURN to your past MAINTAIN THIS BY FINDING someone you can trust and be accountable about your plan so you don't go back.

-[ ]- Do not delude yourself by thinking you can view "safer images" or "safer sites" there is no such thing as a "safer" site

-[ ]- You must admit that you are deluding yourself with these "safer sites," so you and you alone have the responsibility to do something about this little sneaky/peeky game that leads you to something worse. 

-[ ]- This is like an alcoholic saying "I won't drink, I'll just lick the outside of this glass of rum".

-[ ]- You wouldn't drink just a "safe" amount of strychnine, would you? 


LASTLY, AND MOST IMPORTANT - Develop a spiritual hunger for God - the closer you draw to God, the less and less you will want porn.  A roadmap to drawing closer to God in light of this is at a great website Enroll in their 60 day Bible Study and commit yourself to finishing it!!!

     * Destroy anything  that supports your habit in any way - graphic pictures, words, etc.  
  • The bottom line is: if it's bad for you, it needs to be destroyed and eradicated from your life..



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How do I become a Christian?
Click here

FIND HOPE: Effective Bible Study for this problem.

Click here  

Link for Youths  

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Read the Bible

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True Recovery

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Family Resources 

New Man Magazine

Click Here


This site was last updated on Wednesday, June 06, 2001 11:33 PM

Send comments or suggestions to see question  page  I do NOT offer counseling, I refer to the groups I link to!
This site was first published February 1999

I humbly ask you - please do not copy the contents of this web without permission.  

EXCEPTION - for use with educational or recovery purposes (not plagiarism -  Copyright 1999











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