Write Your Story - for your own
A journey of a
thousand miles
begins with a single step.
(Ancient Chinese Proverb)
After careful consideration, I have decided not to publish stories
on this web site, I offer the information on this page to help you write your own story.
Write your story, and consider sharing it
to a counselor, pastor, priest, trusted friend online
group or at a 12 step
group online or a 12 step group in your local area.
You can write a
chapter every three weeks or monthly
(Please find another human
being you can trust and share it!)
you would rather not write a story -- but just share what you're going
through with a recovery group, go to my
links area for on-line message-groups or meetings. You can use
e-mail or post directly on the Internet
Please note:
Writing about pornography addiction can be a scary thing. Unlike other
problems people may have to deal with, trying to talk to friends and even close family
members about one's addiction may result in becoming an outcast. However, these are
the same people who might be deeply hurt by one's addiction to pornography.
One of the primary things that feeds the addiction is secrecy. I
heard an excellent saying in a Adult Children of Alcoholics meeting years ago:
"You're only as sick as your secrets". This is
a powerful statement and very true! It takes courage to speak of pornography
addiction, and that's the one thing that can help kill the addiction in one's life.
It's the very thing the addiction doesn't want you to do.
You might be wondering where to begin in writing your story. You can read
some of the stories (in the stories area) to the left to get some ideas, also, here are
some suggestions I have that
may assist you in writing your story...
You may not think you have something worthwhile to contribute -
What practical steps you have taken to overcome pornography or sexual addiction in your
life. What has given you freedom and what works in your life to set you free.
submit a story, visit the web site: Men Against
Pornography (submissions made to them will appear on
their web page!)
you think you might have a problem with pornography or need advice - click here |