Please, have this in mind when adding your URL to PenFriend Finder!
The URL is where your site can be found, the address which always begins with http://.
Only sites where you can find penfriends, contacts or e-mail pals e t c. Will be added to PenFriend Finder!
We choose which sites to have in the PenFriend Finder! directory, after a visit to it. Remember that this search engine is to promote friendship!
Please help PenFriend Finder! grow and publish a link back to us! Use the banner below or have only a text-link to: http://www.geocities.com/MadisonAvenue/8454 or http://surf.to/penfriend-finder.
- Please help us keep PenFriend Finder! up to date, contact us if moving to new URL, thank you!
- Only add URL to one page! We don't want to confuse our visitors by having more than one URL to the same site!
- When adding your URL, this is what you need to state; Name of site, complete URL and a short description of your site, thank you! Your site will only be added to the alphabetic search and won't show up in the search engine search if you don't add a short description!
OK, add me now!
If link not working, use this address: penfriend.finder@mailcity.com