Preview of Vintage Silhouettes

on Glass & Reverse Paintings

A small sampling of the pictures that are
included in the
Vintage Silhouettes
on Glass & Reverse Paintings.

Due to downloading - the pictures are
much smaller than in the book.

Benton Glass

"Benton Glass-Silhouettes in process"

Butterfly Wings

"Enhanced by placement of wings in background"


"Handpainted by Bilderback"


"Newton Manufacturing founded in Newton, Iowa"


"Photoplated reproduction of Martha Washington"


"Summer by Fidus imported from Germany"

Benton Glass

"Another Benton Glass"


"Claus E. Erickson Company"

The book has over 500 full color photographs
with no duplications from our previous book.

Encyclopedia of Silhouette
Collectibles and Vintage Silhouettes

Preview of
Encyclopedia of Silhouette Collectibles
on Glass

Vintage Silhouettes
on Glass & Reverse Paintings

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