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Quill-pen LINKS

Language, literature, writing-related, creative & career links

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The Writing Business
With all the technical aspects of websites, one would almost forget that a clear and convincing text is just as important as all the slick graphics and Java-applets. What counts for print, counts for the web also. A text, full of typo's and style errors can undermine all the work you did on your webpage. So, get in touch with a professional writer, if only to let him/her check your text and do the editing.
Here are some links about writing for professionals and those interested.

Writers' Resources

Webzine for writers & editors who create content for online media.
Writers Only
Content Exchange
Inkspot, writing resources

About Dutch & English Language
Onze Taal The ultimate magazine about Dutch language in print and online.
Dutch for foreigners Many links brought by "Onze Taal" for foreigners who want to learn Dutch.
A Web of Online Dictionaries A real treasure grove!
Mofile, Finnish-English-Finnish Dictionary Uh, a little hobby of mine.

Free literature
Project Gutenberg, project philosophy is to make information, books and other materials available to the general public in forms a vast majority of the computers, programs and people can easily read, use, quote, and search. Project Laurens Jz Coster, de grootste bibliotheek met klassieke Nederlandstalige literatuur op Internet. 
U vindt hier vele duizenden gedichten en vele tientallen toneelstukken, romans, essays en korte verhalen van Nederlandstalige auteurs. Al deze werken worden hier gratis ter beschikking gesteld. 
(Database of free classical Dutch literature) Project Runeberg comes  from LYSATOR at Linköping University in Sweden. 
It builds the Internet's biggest center for Nordic literature!
List of all projects that aim to digitise text. Some projects make literature freely available

Schrijversnet About Dutch authors and literature(Dutch)
Harry Mulisch, The Discovery of Heaven a must-read (twice at least).
Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

Links to writing and graphics services and webpage building

VisualEyes Design Concepts. HEY, YOU!!
Caught your attention, didn't I?  That's what a great webpage should do. 
To do that you need both the well-written content offered by Clear & Convincing Communication and the eye-catching design offered by VisualEyes Design Concepts.  All of our designs are originals and cannot be purchased anywhere else.  Make a powerful statement. Contact Carrie Drabek at pcdrabek@worthlink.net to find out more, or visit the website by clicking on this VisualEyes graphic. Link to Kees Dijkman, journalist Link to Rick Dijs, illustrator    The HTML Writers Guild

Working girls
Intermediair Online
Job news and vacancies for higher-educated people who are working on their career (Dutch).
With an English section for foreigners planning to work in the Netherlands.

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