"The Wall Art of Tulare County"

Recently, around Tulare County, the sides of buildings have been transformed into wonderful works of art. It sure beats a wall full of graffiti or even a blank wall. These murals show the heritage and attractions unique to this area. I hope the trend continues as it certainly adds so much charm to the areas they grace.

Tulare City's new mural showing the contributions of aviation in Tulare County. Painted 1999

Incredible detail and vivid colors make this my favorite Mural in Tulare County. (model courtesy of: Handsome-Boy Modelling Agency)

I believe this trend started in Exeter, more precisely, on the road into Exeter. There is a ground level water tank amongst the orange trees lining the road that has been more of a temporary mural of the week location for years. Folks would decorate it up with Happy Birthday, and other greetings on it and this would change when someone else would paint over it.

Exeter, which is a few mile east of Visalia has a good handful of murals. This mural shows workers picking oranges, which are grown extensively in this area along with other citrus trees.

Some of the murals are almost photo-realistic. It almost looks like there are two jokers standing in front of this mural! This is also located in Exeter

Another Exeter mural showing Native American life.


More Good Stuff From Jeff:

Jeff's Pictural Guide to Visalia, California

Read about my 1998 Myrtle Beach Vacation here! Jeff's Guide to Myrtle Beach, SC

Get Inside My Head with: Things That Bug Me

Need a Handy Place for Weather Maps? Jeff's Home Page


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Everything here is the express opinion of me. This page is not an advertisement for any commercial business. All pictures photographed by Jeff Heeszel I would greatly appreciate any comments or feedback and will reply to any email or questions. © August 1999.

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