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This was our first fuel up somewhere in Indiana I think. I was the first to drive, we left Dan's house at 2am. Wait! Why 2am you ask? Well, we had tickets to leave JFK at 4 in the afternoon but we missed the flight. Me, my friend Dan who went with me to get the bug, and Steve our body guard. Steve is not really our body guard but we told that to everyone at the airport so he could get through the terminal with us. It was pretty believable, Steve IS a big guy. He's a Bouncer/Professional Ass Kicker (that's what he calls it) by trade . Anyway, we were all busy at the airport bar and missed our flight. I was really pissed but we caught the next flight out at 7pm and by the time we got into Indiana it was 12am. Dan the previous owner met us at the airport and we drove an hour to his house . Another hour spent bullshitting and we were off!

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This is my friend Dan. We had just stopped for gas and food. We watched the sun come up at this filthy truck stop, it was very poetic. It is around 5:30 in the morning and from the look on Dan's face he is not is ready drive . We have 12 and a 1/2 hours to go.

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I have no idea where we are or what time it is. All I know is that I am tired.

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Dan is driving now, and he managed to get a shot of me sleeping. I didn't think I would be able to sleep in the car as loud as it was. I was out like a light.

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Oh look, another filthy truck stop! It is somewhere around 4pm I think. We wont get home until 9pm. You may notice that the rear tires in this picture are larger than the ones in some of the other photos. As I pulled onto my street at 9 I got pulled over by a town cop. He hassled me about a bunch of stuff with the car including the fact that the super swampers on the rear stuck too far out beyond the fender wells. So the next day I went to the junk yard and got two rims from a chevy truck and some used tires to go with them. I hate those wimpy little tires, so I got wider fenders from Bugpack and put the 31 x 13.5 inch super swampers back on.

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Well here we are, her new home. She is the toughest beast to ever tame the mean streets of Poughkeepsie. I love prowling the parking lots so all the kids in their supped up Hondas can drool cause they know. One false move and I'll drive over em'!