"Ram" Page

After months of wondering what to put on this page this is what you get.  If you stumbled in here looking for wisdom and adventure, sorry you're in the wrong place.  Just some wanderings of mine relating to Dodge Ram trucks and Nascar Racing.  Actually this is nothing more then a bookmark page.  I found my list of bookmarks getting too large for both myself and my wife so I just basically put all of mine on this page, then the browser loads the page on startup and all I have to do is point and click and wal-lah instant bookmarks...  Maybe something here will spark your interest as well, if not well thanks for stopping by anyway. Enjoy...

This site still under construction!

Doug's DuallyThis is the BEAST!!!  1996 Dodge 1-ton dually 4 X 4, Club Cab, Cummins Diesel.   Bought new in Feb. 1996 here in Alaska.  This picture was before any add on's were installed.  My wife (Witchy Woman), and my daughter love the truck just as much as me.  Now here it is going on two years later and 36000 miles and it's still loved just as much by all...  More pictures will be added as I dig them out and get them scanned for the page.  I guess while I'm at it I might add I'll gladly scan and send back to you any pictures you'd like done.  DarkSide Scanning does any and all pictures (no copyrighted) free of charge.  E-Mail me for more information.

Oouch!!!Well they told me that if I lived in Alaska long enough that my vehicle would get hit.  After seven years it finally caught up with me, but why did it have to be my "baby"???  Anyway this is what happens when a Chevy with a plow on the front gets into it with a Ram fender flare.  Total damage for repairs $1,326.49.  Knew I was in the wrong line of work...  As you can also see the roads up here in Alaska, even in Anchorage, are horrible on vehicles.  Can't wash one enough to keep it clean, during the winter it's the snow and ice and the summer it's always raining.

People were always asking me why I bought a dually.  Well to keep from making this page larger then it already is if your interested then just click here.
http://www.carprices.comPrice one for yourself.


Well as far as adventure goes we do, do a little hunting here in Alaska now and then.  If interested in that or just Alaska then click here...

And like I stated earlier I'm a NASCAR racing fan.  For more info just click here...