BY-LAWS NAME The non-profit organization shall be named Mid-Michigan MOPAR Enthusiasts PURPOSE To join together in friendship, common interest and mutual benefit, forming a non-profit organization for the purpose of enjoyment, maintenance and restoration of Chrysler Corporation vehicles. MEMBERSHIP Conferred upon anyone showing sufficient interest in the CLUB to: 1) Pay the annual dues 2) Participate in CLUB activities, including working on sanctioned or scheduled events and activities. 3) Membership may be withdrawn only by a vote of 2/3 of the active voting membership, in attendance, after proper notification and balloting, or failure to pay annual dues. ACTIVE-VOTING MEMBER Dues paying member and partner ( wife, husband, girl or boy friend) DUES 1) Currently set at $10.00 per membership 2) Due July 1 of current year 3) May be changed only by a vote 2/3 of the active voting membership, in attendance, after proper notification and balloting OFFICERS 1) The officers shall be; President, Vice-president and Secretary/Treasurer 2)They shall be elected annually at the October meeting. 3) They must be active members in good standing 4) President, he/she, is charged with the organization and operation of the Club with the advice of the Executive Committee. 5) Vice-president, he/she, shall assist the President and act on his/her behalf in his/her absence and be the Chairperson of the Executive Committee. 6) Secretary/Treasurer, he/she, shall take and keep minutes of all authorized Club and Executive Committee meetings, assist the President and Executive Committee with correspondence in their respective areas and keep up to date, accurate records of all Club financial transactions. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1) Shall be responsible for the overall operation, conduct and policy of the Club. 2) Shall consist of the President, Vice-president, Sec/Treasurer and three Members at Large. Each Member at Large representing an out-county. 3) Term shall be for one year. 4) Nominations for any elected office may be made from the floor by an active member. 5) No Nomination can be made without the agreement of the nominee to accept that office. MEETINGS 1) The Club shall meet monthly for both social and business purposes. 2) The October meeting shall also include the election of officers. 3) Special meeting may be called with notification of membership, by mail, 10 day prior to the scheduled date, along with a tentative agenda. COMMITTEES Such committees as may be required for the operation of the Club may be appointed by the President. AMENDMENTS 1) Amendments to the By-laws may be submitted at any business meeting called for that purpose. 2) All voting shall take place one month after proposal. 3) May be set forth by any active member. 4) A vote of 2/3 of the membership, in attendance, shall be necessary to amend the By-laws. PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE Should the occasion arise where there is a question of procedure, Roberts Rules of Order shall prevail. OPERATING RULES AND PROCEDURES Those operating rules and procedures in effect at the time of the adoption of the By-laws, not in conflict with these By-laws , shall remain in effect until changed or deleted by appropriate action. MID-MICHIGAN MOPAR ENTHUSIASTS IS A REGISTERED USER OF DAIMLERCHRYSLER CORPORATION TRADMARKS