One of The MOST popular multiplayer war/strategy games available right now, StarCraft is a very fun and addictive game. For those of you who have never heard about this game, or maybe have but don't know what the point of the game is, well, basically you control an army and try to nuke the hell out of everyone else. :) Click on any of the pictures above to go to the StarCraft section.

As for Role Playing Game titles, most people will agree with me that SquareSoft's Final Fantasy series is the best one that was ever made. But I'll only talk about the following one, since it's the newest one I've played so far. I know there's an FF8 coming out, but until then.....this one will have to do...

By far the best Formula One video game simulation ever made, it was released back in 1996. Anyone who knows anything about F1 racing games will agree with me that even with all these new 3D-based racing games, none have been able to top Grand Prix II. For all you GP2 fans out there, you all should know that Microprose is currently working on a GP3..... let's hope it's release doesn't have to be delayed... (again), because based on earlier announcements, it should have been already out by now.