1970 Chevelle Differential Codes

Rear Axle Code information is stamped on the axle housing for this year.. contains an 8 digit code that tells the stock ratio, month / day of build as well as the production facility, either W - Warren or B - Buffalo K - McKinnon
Format is: C CA 0403B for a C (chevrolet) 3.08 rear ratio built on April 3rd at the Buffalo plant.

Rear Numerical Codes
Code Positraction Ratio
CCA 3.08
CCD X 3.07
CCE X 3.08
CCF X 3.31
CCH X 2.73
CCN 2.56
CCO X 2.56
CCP 2.73
CCW 3.31
CCX 3.07
CGA 2.56
CGB X 2.56
CGC 2.73
CGD X 2.73
CGG 3.36
CGI X 3.36
CKD 2.73
CKF X 3.55
CKJ 3.55
CKK 4.10
CRJ 2.56
CRK X 2.56
CRU 3.31
CRV X 3.31
CRW 4.10
DKC X 2.73