- CQ General call to any/all stations
Call to distant stations
- QRA What is the name of
your station?
- QRB How far approximately are you from my
- QRD Where are you bound and where are
you from?
- QRG Will you tell me my exact
- QRH Does my frequency vary?
- QRK What is the readability of my signals(l-5)?
- QRL Are you busy?
- QRM Are you being interfered with? - Man-made
- QRN Are you troubled by static? -
Atmospheric noise
- QRT Shall I stop sending? -
- QRU Have you anything for me?
- QRV Are you ready?
- QRW Shall I tell that you are calling him on
channel ?
- QRX When will you call again? -
- QRY What is my turn?
- QRZ Who is calling me?
- QSA What is the strength of my signals (1-5)?
- QSB Are my signals fading?
- QSL Can you acknowledge receipt? - Acknowledged
- QSO Can you communicate with direct or by relay?
- Also used for "a communication" or a
- QSW Do you wish to transmit on this
- QSX Will you listen to on channel ?
- QSY Shall I change to another frequency? -
Changing frequency
- QTE What is my TRUE bearing
from you? or What is my TRUE bearing from?
- QTH What is your position in latitude and
longitude? - location
- QTI What is your TRUE course?
- QTJ What is your speed?
- QTL What is your TRUE heading?
- QTK What is the exact time?
- QTU What are the hours during which your station
is open?
- QTX Will you keep your station open
for further communication with me until
further notice (or until hours)?
- QUA Have you news of _ ?
- QUD Have you received the urgent signal sent by
- QUF Have you received the distress signal
sent by?
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