AudioControl's Q-Codes

  1. CQ General call to any/all stations
  2. CQ DX Call to distant stations 
  3. QRA What is the name of your station?  
  4. QRB How far approximately are you from my station? 
  5. QRD Where are you bound and where are you from?  
  6. QRG Will you tell me my exact frequency? 
  7. QRH Does my frequency vary?  
  8. QRK What is the readability of my signals(l-5)?  
  9. QRL Are you busy?  
  10. QRM Are you being interfered with? - Man-made interference 
  11. QRN Are you troubled by static? - Atmospheric noise 
  12. QRT Shall I stop sending? - "on-the-side" 
  13. QRU Have you anything for me?  
  14. QRV Are you ready?  
  15. QRW Shall I tell that you are calling him on channel ? 
  16. QRX When will you call again? - "off-the-air" 
  17. QRY What is my turn?  
  18. QRZ Who is calling me?  
  19. QSA What is the strength of my signals (1-5)?  
  20. QSB Are my signals fading?  
  21. QSL Can you acknowledge receipt? - Acknowledged 
  22. QSO Can you communicate with direct or by relay? - Also used for "a communication" or a conversation 
  23. QSW Do you wish to transmit on this frequency?  
  24. QSX Will you listen to on channel ?  
  25. QSY Shall I change to another frequency? - Changing frequency 
  26. QTE What is my TRUE bearing from you? or What is my TRUE bearing from?  
  27. QTH What is your position in latitude and longitude? - location 
  28. QTI What is your TRUE course?  
  29. QTJ What is your speed?  
  30. QTL What is your TRUE heading?  
  31. QTK What is the exact time?  
  32. QTU What are the hours during which your station is open? 
  33. QTX Will you keep your station open for further communication with me until further notice (or until hours)? 
  34. QUA Have you news of _ ?  
  35. QUD Have you received the urgent signal sent by ? 
  36. QUF Have you received the distress signal sent by?



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