Things that tick me off.
Note: just because there is not a 'beef' entered doesn't mean something doesn't tick me off. I was just too busy to enter it.... but it will show up!! Trust me!!
- Customers who NEED something absolutely 5 minutes ago, I go out of my way to accomidate them, then they don't pick up their order for a week!!!!
- Customers who come in and are upset that we don't take American Express.
- 5 minutes after closing, the door just happened to be unlocked. A customer walked in, and asked if she could get a 2 hour video duplicated. 'Are you in a hurry for this?'( my normal answer, usually followed with 'i can have the copies for you this time tomorrow' if they are in a hurry, 'in 2 days' if they are not.) She had the gall to ask if she can pick them up later tonite!!!! 'No, we closed 5 minutes ago'. She got miffed becuase she waited until the last minute, and then could not accomodate her!!! Usually, 99%+ of the time, when i tell them tomorrow, they are thrilled, but this one i just wanted to slap!!!
Stoopid People
- June 13, 1998, Saturday. Dar and i went out for a nice night out on the town. I bought her tickets to 'Bugs Bunny on Broadway', where they show cartoons on a GIANT screen tv, and the Warner Brothers Orchestra plays music to go along with the cartoon. So far, so good. I should have known something was not right when they scheduled it at the HUGE arena, not the small one, as in the past. We walked in, and there was not a big screen, rather several television sets up on the stage. That didn't matter, as we were in the 3rd row, right in front of a set. There was a family of ignorant, stupid, no-class slobs sitting 2 rows behind us. Nothing was a problem, until they said "they are going to play them on tv?? we could have stayed home and done the same. If we had paid for these, i would be outraged... it says here on the ticket that they are $22.50 each.... i am glad we didn't pay for these.(they won them off the radio or somewhere??)" (honest!!!!) Turns out the Red Wings were also playing game 3 of the stanley cup finals. Of course, being the fine people they were, brought a walk man to the orchestra!! (now that's class!!). The concert was outside, and when it was time to start it was still light out. The conductor played some music, without cartoons, until it got dark. When it was getting close, he thanked the audience, and the first third of the show was over, when the intermission was over, the cartoons and music would start. As soon as the house lights came up, "20 minutes and a break? i am glad we didn't have to pay for these tickets".. and they started calling out play by play of the Wings game. If they had spent several hundered dollars, per seat, for a wings game, they would have taken a break after 20 minutes, also, so what are they complaining about?? The second act went off without too much from them, until the second intermission. They must have been getting tired, and sick of listening to the game, and not watching it. Within about 5 minutes of the third act starting, she started hollering "Richard!! Richard!!" Everyone in the section was about to have enough. (loudly)"Yzerman is hurt!! They stopped the game to take him off the ice"..... i am not violent, but i wanted to SLAPP her hard!!! They couldn't take not seeing the game anymore, and i guess they were bored of watching cartoons on tv, and since they didn't pay for the tickets, they left about half way through the third act, loudly. The only good part is Dar and I got a good laugh and reality check out of how ignorant people are, and how glad we have enough class to know how to behave in public.
- Commercial, for the Ford Expedition, the lady states, and i somewhat quote:'wouldn't you like a Expedition, where you can sit up high, and see what is going on in front of you??" or something like that. She says that if you are sitting up higher than everyone else, you can see traffic problems and the like farther ahead than folks that sit lower than the Expedition driver. Let me try this on a level that everyone can understand. Say that your neighbor earns $1,000,000 (one million dollars) after hard work, and the sweat of his brow. You don't like it, because he can have a higher standard of living than you. You complain to everyone that you are both neighbors, but he can afford better stuff than you can. Now, lets say that you come across $1,000,000 (lottery or inheritance or something). The playing field has been leveled. You can afford everything that he can afford. The same goes for all of the rest of your neighbors. All of a sudden, having $1,000,000 isn't all that special, since everyone else has the same. Back to my point, if everyone is driving a Giant Sport Utility (Expedition, Suburban, Durango(lesser), Yukon...etc, etc), they will all be sitting roughly the same height as the person in the Expedition. The Question is: How can one see around something that is the same size as they are?? This should give you something to think about until tomorrow!
- Those stupid flags people have attached to their car windows. Now the Redwings are on the way to their 2nd Stanley Cup in 2 years, there are tons of those stupid flags on cars. How is that supposed to help the team? Why didn't those people have them 3 years ago?? Why don't they support the teams that need it the most? The Detroit Tigers haven't won a game all year, yet i don't see flags supporting them? Maybe if they had their own flags, they would see that they still have fans out there, and play better!!! How are those stupid flags supposed to help the Wings, any way? Are they going to be thinking about losing a game, but since they saw a flag on a car, they are going to win the game? If those people really want to show support for the local team, why don't they bring the team Gatorade™ during practices, or offer their families an empty room in their house when all of the hotels are full? About the only thing those flags prove is sometimes people don't have anything better to do with $12.95, other than to spend it friviously.
- People who speed excessively in construction zones on the free way, then do the speed limit, in the fast lane after the construction.
- People who insist on doing the posted speed limit in the left lane of the expressway!!!! The speed limit is there for a suggested top speed, but it is not the absolute maximum speed allowed.
- Folks that have handicapped permits, permits that allow handicapped people to park in handicapped spots at the mall and stuff. Some of them can either walk just fine, and still have the permits, or they can't even walk 10 feet. What really bugs me is the people that can't walk 10 steps without having to
take a rest, then see them on the expressway. They are the ones that are travelling, sometimes in the fast lane, usually not, faster than everyone else around them!! If they don't have the coordination and reflexes to walk 20 feet without any assistance, what gives them the right to try and kill someone (namely me) on the freeway??
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