Dear Visitors,
According to our experiences, w suggest you
to keep the following items available at your bike.
Detailed first aid kit,
Small sewing kit,
Spare fuses bulbs & relays,
Original tool box of your bike & a set of
Repair manual of your bike supplied by manufacturer,
Tire repair kit & small air or Co2 tubes,
Chain oil,
2-3 meters rob,
2-3 meters electric cable,
2-3 meters string,
12 V electric control pen,
Isolation tape,
Duck tape,
1-2 meters fuel hose & hand pump,
3-4 liters flexible spare fuel tank,
2-3 bungees & belts,
Flashlight & spare batteries
Paper & pen
Swiss Army or Leatherman type tool-knife,
Tire Gauge,
Some Advises
(proved by experiences)
Always keep the spare keys of your bike &
locks with you (better to hang them on your neck),
Always wear your helmet and proper riding
gears even in summer,
Make the full maintenantce of your bike before
the trip,
Be sure that all necessary documents are with
you (passport, insurance policy , ferry boat tickets, triptic pass etc...)
Always check the data on your ferry-boat tickets
or hotel reservation vouchers or on other documents related with
Try to have a celular phone together with your
phone book,
Try to learn telephone numbers and address of
your bike's service stations at the countries where you are going to visit,
Check all lights and signals often,
Check tire pressures often,
Check probable leaks under the bike,
Check water & oil levels,
Lubricate your chain in every 200 kms,
Keep your bike & visor clean,
Equip your bike with an engine guard and tank
guard bars,
Equip your bike with an additional driving, position
(front & rear) lights and keep them on while riding in order to obtain
more visibility agains to other riders,
Equip your bike with an additional running brake
light in order to obtain more visibilty while breaking,
Equip your bike with a voltmeter which helps
you to monitor status of your battery and probable electric problems at
your alternator,
Always keep a strong padlock or U
- lock with steel cable,
Keep the cover tent of your bike with you during
your trips, you can use it to protect yourselves against to heavy rains
or to cover your bike to avoid from the attention of malicious people
in case of parking unsafe places,
Do not leave your bike alone at the gas stations
while buying gas, supply your needs shifting with your partner, if you
are alone, lock your bike and keep all the belongings with you,
Always keep topcase and saddlebags locked,
Make your detailed route plan before the trip,
do not forget to calculate probable obstacles at the countries that you
will visit (holidays, political struggles, heavy traffic,
poor road conditions, heavy tourism season, etc..),
Avoid to eat heavy foods before long distance
Always keep your fuel tank full,
Pay much more attention when the rain just begin,
decrase your speed, avoid hard brakes or sudden speed up,
Always keep the local currency of the country
where you are visiting, do not trust your credit cards or other currencies,
If you are in hurry always keep the motor ways,
Always obey the traffic rules try to learn the
local driving habits of the country that you will visit, do not race
and fight other drivers on the way, do not let them to provocate you or
visa verse,
Try to learn some basic words of the language
of the country that you will visit ( like hello, thanks, please, how much,
On summer trips always keep protective sun cream
and sun glasses with you,
Write your and your partner's blood groups
on your helmets,
Keep the actual figures and actual data of your
trip ( i.e.; total or partial kms, fuel consumption, all expenses, motor
way fees, etc...) which would help you while you are making your next
trip's plan or to your friends who intend to make a trip plan, and
also give you possibility of comparing the differences between actual
figures and the figures in the plan that you have made it before
the trip.