These pages show pictures and details of other peoples Wild Buses. I'll add what I can from my personal archives but for it to really grow I need input from you guys. Please email me anything you think might be of interest to those of us who like the strange and wonderfull things that can be done to the humble Volkswagen. Check out the Submit page for details of what Im after. Thanks! This is a bus I saw at a Volkswagen show at Penrith in NSW Australia. Its owned by a guy from Queensland and was driven down for the show. It was actually in the carpark but after I gave it a look over I thought it should have been in the show, maybe the owner will enter it next time. Ok. Now for some details. As you can see the whole thing has been lifted. The rear is reset and the front has adapter plates welded to the torsion bar housing to lift the bus about 4". The rear wheels are 33x12.5 (I think) and the guards were cut and modified. The engine is a 2.0lt but the owner tells me a Subaru flat 6 is due to go in it. This lift appeals to me and you can expect to see mine looking something like this soon.
Here's a picture of a weird one sent in by Marty, a visitor to this site. The modifications are fairly obvious but this is what I know. Its a 77 Westy with four foot cut out of the middle and then welded back together again. It gets driven everday if possible. Now if I could put my engine in this you'd never need front tyres!!
This page hosted by Get your own Free Home Page This site was last updated on Saturday, 16 December 2000 20:54:42 and is continually under construction so Email me anytime with comments, suggestions, anything. Come back soon! Most of the images on these pages belong to me, if any of them are owned by you and you dont want them on here email me and they will be removed. Feel free to use the images on your own non-commercial pages but provide a link to my site to show where they came from. Thanks!kombi beetle bug bus kombi beetle bug bus kombi beetle bug volkswagen vw volkswagen vw volkswagen vw volkswagen vw volkswagen vw volkswagen vw volkswagen vw volkswagen |