"Anarchy & Elegance"

Life on the Mississippi....

Anarchy & Elegance: Confessions of a Journalist at Yale Law School, which I published with Little, Brown in 1991, has been out of print for some time. The book still haunts me, though, for law school taught me, inadvertently, that the way in which you learn something changes what you learn; that although we may freely choose a professional education, that education in turn changes us in ways we don't anticipate. I came to understand an old and generally unappreciated saw, applied most frequently to law school--that Higher education sharpens the mind by narrowing it.

The Cycle is Yourself....

At first glance you'd think there's a world of difference between a book on law school and one on building a car. In fact, though, Anarchy & Elegance led directly to Roadster, for my experience in law school made me long to follow physical laws, to deal with something solid. And while working in a garage may not seem, at first, as intellectually challenging as working up a legal argument, in fact it is. And the end result, as you can guess, is one hell of a lot more fun!

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Last Updated February 16, 1998 by chgoodrich@juno.com

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