Welcome to my Guestbook!

- 02/07/99 05:09:48


Keith Kimber - 12/03/98 00:00:35
My Email:Kakimber@ra.rockwell.com
How you found my page: priceline.com
Favorite car: 30's street rods
Favorite car brand(Ford,Chevy,etc.): chevy
Favorite search engine: web browser

cool web page

Keith Kimber - 12/02/98 23:59:21
My Email:Kakimber@ra.rockwell.com
How you found my page: priceline.com
Favorite car: 30's street rods
Favorite car brand(Ford,Chevy,etc.): chevy
Favorite search engine: web browser

cool web page

Jeremy R. - 10/30/98 19:52:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/grindorious
My Email:naturious@hotmail.com
How you found my page: via Mail
Favorite car: Ford Mustang
Favorite car brand(Ford,Chevy,etc.): Cadillac
Favorite search engine: Alta Vista

A very nice page with the cars and stuff!!!

Jared - 10/05/98 23:14:24
My Email:Jared@catsrule.garfield.com
How you found my page: You
Favorite car: Viper
Favorite car brand(Ford,Chevy,etc.): Chevy
Favorite search engine: www.goto.com

Matt, Pretty cool page! C-ya J-Bird(Jared)

Ma-ma - 10/03/98 18:36:50
How you found my page: Tyler
Favorite car: lumina
Favorite car brand(Ford,Chevy,etc.): Chevy

Great page, Matt!

Sacha Townsend - 09/16/98 18:20:28
My Email:dansnfeet@hotmail.com
How you found my page: I got sent a thing from you
Favorite car: No idea
Favorite car brand(Ford,Chevy,etc.): No idea
Favorite search engine: No idea

I don't know anything about cars, so yeah, there isn't much to say. Lovely web site though.

Aaron Buettner - 09/14/98 01:02:00
How you found my page:matt smith told me

this rules matt what a cool page I am going to click the links too AUBURN RULZ!!!!!!!!!! PENN STATE SUX!!!!!!

Jim - 09/11/98 02:33:13
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~donotclick/partyharty.html
My Email:tpowell@airnet.net
How you found my page: YOU TOLD ME!
Favorite car: 1990 BMW - my car!
Favorite search engine: Webcrawler

Your page rulz... See you at school!

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