defise & deduve - 08/03/98 13:46:39 My Email:defise@hotmail.com | Comments: salut, jen'ai rien a dire!!!!! :-) aurevoir |
Vincent Beyaert - 04/18/98 11:24:43 My URL:http://web.arcadis.be/2cv/ My Email:VBeyaert@arcadis.be | Comments: Très bonne idée - espérons que nombreux seront les personnes qui pourrons faire vivre ces pages ... Longue vie à la 2CV |
Loek Bartelings - 04/17/98 16:14:57 My URL:http://www.eendeei.nl/eendenest My Email:barteli@ibm.net | Comments: Nice site, good initiative. Keep 'm rolling! |
The2cvZone - 03/25/98 18:57:52 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~The2cvZone My Email:the-2cv-zone@usa.net | Comments: 2CV's all over the world must gather here..... |
Mattijs Kemmink - 03/25/98 13:22:30 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~mattysk/INDEX.HTM My Email:w.m.kemmink@st.hanze.nl | Comments: Leuke site Wim, ook lekker snel en zo. Alleen de enrty van het gastenboek is niet helemaal in orde volgens mij. Ga zo door! Groet, Mattijs |
- 03/25/98 13:19:20 | Comments: |
Jeremy Gallen - 03/22/98 14:30:41 My URL:http://come.to/kingofthehill/ My Email:jmgallen@geocities.com | Comments: Nice page! Come to mine, look around, join my mailing list if you wish, sign my guestbook, keep coming back, and tell all of your friends to do what I just told you. Thanks! |
Jeremy Gallen - 03/17/98 12:39:03 My URL:http://come.to/kingofthehill/ My Email:jmgallen@geocities.com | Comments: Nice page! Come to my page, look around, join my mailing list if you wish, sign my guestbook, keep coming back, and tell all of your friends to do what I told you to do. Thanks! |
Wim van den Bergh - 02/24/98 13:33:07 My URL:http://surf.to/lomax My Email:lomax@hetnet.nl | Comments: Fantastic - Affengeil - Merveilleux - Gaaf |
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