
The Kids..

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Here are some of the board members pride and joy...


 JD's latest addition, Daddy do you think we could lock STP43 Fan in here????

 Ironman's lastest addition…our next Terry Labonte???

Ironman's little one is growing up... 13 pounds of cold-rolled steel and sex appeal. ;-) He's "talking" to us and is starting to laugh, although mostly at his own jokes, which he finds immensely funny. His favorite is: "Gwwappckkkk? Btttppphhbbb guuugghh ahgah, ooooooooohhhhh!"

Name that proud father: a.) jimbo; b.) jimnob#1tilparkgetsback; c.) jimbob#3forever; d.) WalRus; e.) JDLyc17; f.) STP43Fan - Just kidding congrats to jimbo on his latest addition - hope his sister trains him well!!


One big happy family!! Mom and new baby to your left - Dad and siblings to your right.....

C.Q.for2's pride and joy - Casey and James (twins) - taken at the June Michigan Race.

Ironman Jr. - isn't this the cutest...already a Terry Labonte fan!

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