Big Blast Party Pictures - 1999
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Some 1999 Photos
Watching Over His Flock
James Emil "Hobie" Hohbach
Trying To Hit A High Note While Singing
Bobby Tunno * Mike "Froggy" Tagg * Gene Tunno
Bill "Deetle" Dietrich * Bill "Bimbo" Livingston
Russell "Buddha" Chiodo
(Nice Smile-Huh!!)
Bruce "Yummer" Maratta
Tom Cooper Says "Greetings"
Richard Julius Granati Holds Court
Richie Hutton Flashes A Smile
Chuckie Criss * Jimmy "J.Geils" Gill * Chuckie Allen
"The Boss Man" Porky Chedwick * Jerry "Macel" Corbin
Lee Porto Airing His Tonsils
You Might Say The Bar Was Busy
John "Bear" Kosloski Says "Gimme Another One"
When Irv Mannion Is Speaking - EVERYBODY Listens!!
Dennis Dale Porter Looks Like He Could Use Some Grecian Formula
Rick "The Red Rocket" Skabo While Deep In Conversation