The Company I work For till march of 1999

Rouses Towing & Recovery

A Little about the Company I work for.
The company was started in 1956 with one tow truck and a body shop,now we have over thirty vehicles. ranging from pickups to large trucks and lowboys.The company employs over 40 people, has six yards to store vehicles,the body shops do everything from an economy job to a top of the line state of the art no expence spared job. We also have a maintenance shop for the 37 trucks,trailers,rollbeds,ect. the business consists of five differen't tow company's two body shops and a hauling company for heavy hauling needs to light truck hauling.

this is a blast from the past. The trucks now have a blue, red and maroon stripe on a white truck,
(much better i think).

The top picture is a bus that i had to tow from Seattle wa. to Spokane wa. that is about 320 miles. Really long bus,it bends in the middle

The bottom picture is from a monster truck show that we hosted,it was a three day ordeal and it was also a lot of fun.

we have a state of the art air bag recovery system capable of lifting fully loaded tractor trailers with out damaging the trailer or the load. we also have air bags that will do under water recoverys, whitch we have to hire divers to hook up to vechicals.

the trailer in the upper left corner had a load of produce in it and the load was acepted at the dillevery point in full without any loss of product or ice damage.
the trailer in the lower right had bedding plants in it but the company that was suposed to get the plants didn't want to take a chance on the load so the company gave away the product and i have some real nice plant from that load and so does half of the city.



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