Dave Stinnett
Auto Repair Service
404 892-0146
404 892-1022
Dave's Preventive Maintenance
Studies have proven that vehicles
that are properly maintained
and cared for, can save you the stress
of untimely breakdowns,
and thousands of dollars in repair
bills that could have been
Given the opportunity to see your
vehicle at regular intervals,
such as oil change service schedules,
enhances our ability to
correct minor situations and avoid
major breakdowns.
The following services are required
to preserve the safety and
integrity of your vehicle. It is
no secret that a carefully
maintained vehicle will outlast a
neglected one. You will
experience dependability and a lower
cost of operation. In most
cases the services listed below will
exceed the manufacturers
minimum requirements to maintain
the Factory Warranty.
Complete Body Lubrication.
Every 3 to 6 Months.
Oil and Oil Filter Change.
Every 3000 miles or 3 Months.
Cooling System Service.
Every 24 Months.
Automatic Transmission Service.
Every 30000 Miles.
Engine & Emission Tune-Up.
Every 30000 Miles or 36 Months.
Brake Inspection/Tire Rotation.
(4 wheel.)
Every 5000 to 30000 Miles. (Check
Owners Manual.)
Brake Fluid Flush.
Every 24 Months.
Wheel Alignment Check.
Every 12 Months or before a Trip.
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