Aside from Cars...

...we like to go camping. Or to some...RVing! I've been told camping is done in the woods, in a tent, and...well...I don't have a tent!!

We are on our fifth camper (not quite as bad as my history with cars!)

We started with a 1979 23' Layton travel trailer, which needed A LOT of work. I fixed many of the problems with that one and sold it.

Then I bought a brand new 1992 Jayco pop-up. It was nice in that it didn't constantly have things breaking on it. BUT, nearly EVERYTIME we go camping, it rains. With a pop-up, that means you have to fold it up to get it home, then open it up again so that it can dry out. Major pain in the butt. Sold it!

Then after about a year and a half of not having a camper I found a used 1990 15' Terry travel trailer. I had to get back to hard sides again, because of that rain problem! It served us well, at least until the twins were born, then it was too small. Sooo...I sold it. But not before buying a new 1997 31' Terry travel trailer!

This one was GREAT for many reasons. It was fairly big (twice the size of the one it replaced) and it isn't lacking anywhere. It's got A/C, Heat, Microwave, Refrig/Freezer, Full bathroom, etc. and I added a TV and VCR.

Here is a floor plan of our the '97 Terry.

Here's one from a trip to Orlando, FL from Dec '97, but it's a little dark.

Here's one from Hershey, PA from May '01 

In December 2001, I upgraded again.  This time to a 36' Damon Challenger Motorhome!  Now this one has more room and amenities than our last Terry!  Dual slides add a LOT more room, which is needed with four growing kids!  

This was taken in Tampa, FL - Dec '01


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