Welcome to my photo album section. On this section, you could view,
some of my picture taken earlier in my history life. Some of the photos
are taken at my house and some are at my work place. Please click the
thumb nail to see a  big picture.

I will add some of my latest pics (picture) from time to time, so do
visit this site again to see how I look like in about 4 years time..hehehe.

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Hey..why don't you guys email me your picture as well..maybe I colud published it on my site!!..hey I think thats a good idea !

Ok if you guys like to glamour-up yourself, just email me your picture and a little story about the picture, your name, your email, your homepage or even your ICQ no, to this email address: s_shahrin@hotmail.com. maybe you could find your cyber-pal here then..eh!!

emm..nothing to be proud here..links.gif (1798 bytes)why not ! sorry!..still under constuction