There are many
things that people do which clearly label them as "brain dead". Some
Drivers who find it too difficult to take their shopping carts to
the cart return, leading to either parking spots people can't use, or having
cars damaged by stray shopping carts. Even though these same people walk about
150-300 meters (500-1,000 feet) to do their shopping—double that while at
Costco Wholesale warehouse—they find walking 15 meters (50 feet) too much to
ask for when it comes to returning a shopping cart.
Drivers who take their dog to town—just to let it sit in the car
and bark at everybody who walks by in the parking lot.
who take their dog to town—just to let it sit in the car and bake.
who let their dog run around in the back of their pickup truck bed, where they have
been known to jump off at their own will or are thrown off the back while
turning a corner.
who park their car at the side of a narrow road and open their doors all the
way without first checking for cars coming from behind.
who blindly open doors in parking lots and are too stupid to realize that they
just created a dent in the car beside them.
Dickwipes who take shopping carts from the cart return and
purposely move them into the handicapped parking spots so they can’t be parked
in. Yes, I've seen it happen.
Lazy drivers who find another person in a parking spot near the
store entrance who is loading groceries into his/her car. These lazy
individuals then proceed to block traffic for about two or three minutes while
they wait for the other person to load their groceries, put away the shopping
cart, and finally drive away. All this happens because some people are too lazy
to park and walk an extra 30 meters (100 feet) away from the entrance, where
there are plenty of free parking spots. They are also too dense to realize that
they'll be saving time by parking in the free spot farther away from the store
and walking from there. ("Noooo! I don't want to wear out my legs!"
these people say.)
Drivers who slow down on the freeway to gawk at the scenery and,
as a result, cause huge traffic backlogs. The main attractions: an abandoned
car, a mattress at the side of the road, or perhaps a traffic sign being
erected on the other side of the freeway!
Hitchhikers who wait on the paved shoulder near the end of freeway
merge-on lanes. Reason is that when merging onto the freeway, sometimes you're
forced to drive on the paved shoulder for a bit because traffic is so heavy,
and the last thing I'm expecting when checking my mirrors and over my shoulder
is someone standing on the road in front of me. Gee, I try to look out for you
people, but your luck may someday just run out.
Pedestrians who start crossing the road at a crosswalk, assuming
that they are seen by oncoming drivers and will stop. These people are extra
annoying when they wear dark-coloured clothes at night.
Pedestrians who think that since they have the right of way, they
can blindly walk into traffic; if they get hit, it's automatically the driver's
fault. Reality check: it doesn't matter if you had the right of way when
you were hit by the car—either way, you're dead.
Every driver knows that when trying to make a right turn at an
intersection, you look to the left for oncoming traffic. When there is no
traffic approaching from the left, you complete your right hand turn. But the
last thing a driver is expecting is a pedestrian from the right who blindly
steps off the sidewalk in front of your car. Whenever I'm the pedestrian in
this example, I walk behind the car as to avoid annoying the driver and being
Even though there is a sidewalk on the other side of the road,
there are the pedestrians who choose to walk on the pavement along the curb on
a narrow-laned, busy road so drivers have to swerve to avoid them.
People who let their dogs roam free in urban/residential areas.
There have been two occasions at night just three weeks apart where a
large black poodle on my street ran across the street to relieve itself
on the lawn on the other side. If I was 30 meters (100 feet) ahead, it would
have been killed.
Stupid 13-year-old boys who try to prove their manhood by changing
the side of the road that they are riding their bike on. There's nothing overly
wrong with this, except when it's at night and they are crossing in between
cars following each other less than 15 meters (50 feet) apart (Saw it happen).
People who try to save a few bucks by towing a disabled vehicle
with merely a pickup truck and a chain. I couldn't believe my eyes when I got a
brief glimpse of someone actually hooking up two vehicles in this fashion at
the side of the freeway at night! There isn't much of a
problem—until you get to the downward portion of this thing commonly referred
to as a "hill", or have to do this thing called "stop"!
It's scary to think what could go wrong: the towed vehicle unexpectedly swerved
out of control, essentially making a five-ton, two-vehicle nunchuck, and
wrapping around an innocent vehicle in another lane. Oh, great.
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