Stupid People in the News

Row of Cars


Here are some interesting news stories for your reading pleasure. Either that, or they're for making you roll your eyes so far that you can see your brain.


"Nothing is EVER my fault!"

Here's a story where DaimlerChrysler is blamed for a defective rear minivan door latch... even though her son wouldn't have been thrown from the vehicle if he was wearing his seatbelt! It would also have helped if the mother didn't run a red light, either.
DaimlerChrysler appeals $262 million award

Here's another story where a 7-year old girl died because a parent couldn't be bothered to stop at a red light, or even read/heed the warnings in an owner's manual. Instead, the lawyer suggests plastering warning stickers all over the inside of vehicles.
Dead girl's dad fights air bags

Hahahahahaha! The dead 7-year old girl's careless Dad lost in court! Heeheeheeheehee!
Air bag suits unlikely to stop

Noooo, deaths aren't to be blamed on careless driving on icy roads! It's always the auto manufacturer's fault—because you can't sue ice!
Bus crash victims file suit against DaimlerChrysler

"Wahh! Even though I didn't properly restrain my child, I ran into a truck, and my child is now quadriplegic, it's not my fault! I have to sue!"
Jury awards family $22 million in lawsuit over injuries

Being paid millions of dollars for witnessing your mother's death? If all people got that much money when they saw their mother die, aging parents wouldn't be scuttled into care homes with no visits.
Jury awards $20 million to family of motorist killed when tire hit van

Here's a story about some lawyers tampering with the truth in order to win a lawsuit. Shame!
DaimlerChrysler fights baseless suits

While some people sue because they're been injured by an air bag, others try to sue when they didn't have an air bag!
Ruling eases air bag liability

An article about a moron who ran a stop sign and killed a child, and what you can do to help prevent it from happening again:
Child's death starkly shows dangers of using car cell phone

"No, it's not the laws of physics or a high center of gravity that would cause a tall vehicle to roll over—no, no, no—it's actually a manufacturing defect that causes these types of things to happen!"
Court upholds lawsuit claiming Toyota designed defective SUV


SUVs and Other Fuel Wasting Machines

Poking fun at the Ford Excursion:
Car Talk Takes an Excursion. Ford Excursion, That Is!

When it comes to fuel economy, sometimes breaking records is a bad thing:
Fuel economy drops to 20-year low

Oh my god! A vehicle that appeals to people who are the least capable of driving one in a civilized manner:
Tonka boasts toy-like quality

Here's a story about some of the few people that think practical—and not spend, spend, spend:
Maligned family-mobile defies prediction of demise

I just love it when my tax dollars go to give my neighbor a 50% first year write-off on his super-size SUV that he uses for... "business" (wink, wink!)
SUV, truck owners get a big tax break


General Stupidity

"Extra! Extra! Nike logos to increase seat belt use! Read all about it!"
Drive to buckle up tests imaginations

This isn't really related to driving, but it does show how stupid some people are:
Infants should not sleep with parents: new study



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