Autobahnen Geschichtes
Highway Stories


Trans-Canada Highway West
Near Swift Current, Saskatchewan


This page will contain a collection of stories based on my past experiences and travels with my 2002s. There will also be some of the previously submitted articles published in past issues of BMWCCC Contact and BMW CCA Roundel magazines.

Some of the peviously published articles to be reprinted on this page are:

"The Best Way to Destroy a 2002 is by Not Driving It at All"

"Is Restoring a 2002 Blue Chip Thinking?"

"A Comparison Between the tii, the ti, and the Regular 2002"

"The BMW That Could Not Fly"

"The 'Wonder Weapon' Against Mercedes-Benz That BMW Never Told Us About"

"It's Time For TechniColour Skid Marks"


Stories &