The Move to Melbourne

Obviously not every Clubman construction project involves a move to another city that is 800km away, however this particular project does involve such a move.

Unfortunately because of work and other such necessities I have been unable to do anything for about 4 months, however from this point on I should be able to make decent time on the Westie. Especially as I spent the last Saturday at Sandown Park watching a few club sprints, which is inspiring me onto greater efforts.

Anyway the next couple of photos are of my move and the new garage

(Interesting Definition – HOUSE (noun) a life support system for a garage!!…. Hmmm reminds me about a joke I once heard – but that’s for another story)

The first Photo is taken across the road from MacDonalds in the twin city of Albury-Wadonga. You can see the distinctive silhouette of the rollbar on the back of the truck. By the way I'm in the truck with the white tarp.

The next is of the fab workshop that I can complete and house the project in!

Next Page - Starting the Engine

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