Skinnee's Tuned &Tortured ATV Page

Skinnee's ATV page

These are a few pics of some of my ATVing buddies and their rides. We have a variety usually, but then other times it is just the racers. Usually the big 4-stroke hogs are in the back hauling gas for the racers, which is a good thing because some of our rides are pretty long! Our adventures are always interesting to say the least! Usually someone gets in trouble. Those that were there know who!!

My '88 Quadracer, too bad it never stayed that clean! Click on the image for info about the rebuild.

My wheelin' partners 250 R. Click on it to see the article.

Check this out! The above wheelers before the redo!

And another pic, but the clowns are in this one too!

A few of my buddies and myself at Camp Quad in Harrisville, NY. This is where the trouble begins!

The Ice racers.

Enjoying some Barley Sandwiches after a ride. Never drink and ride! You might spill your beer! (just a joke don't get offended!)

Who is this clown??

Check out the Fire At The Rock! The big 4-trax 450 is a winner!

Some pics from Pismo Beach of my friends riding.

Doing some jumpin in New York

My first quad that I ever rebuilt, an '85 Quadracer

Something new has been added!! Want some links to ATV products online? Click here and see the list that I have made. There are more to be added as I find them. Hope it is as much a help to you as it is to me!!

Please come back soon and rip with me!!

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