This is what it looks like with the 98 cupholder installed.
I went down to my local Ford dealer, & after he searched & searched he suggested part number F8ZZ-6313562-AAA, I ordered it, it was about $35 bucks Canadian money.
UPDATE! My club's part supplier reports that the number has changed to XR3Z-6313562-AAA. It's up to $73.75 CDN.
It came in about a week later & it was the right part. It is designed to fit into slots molded into a hole where the ashtray is in a 95 - 97 Stang. These slots were too much trouble to duplicate so I strategically knotched the pegs to latch onto the hole that the molded cupholder fits into ( see the pics ) One peg was just plain in the way so I cut it off completely.
1. I started by removing the console from my car.
First remove the shift lever boot. "pop off" the plastic cover that covers the shifter area. It's the all black plastic piece. The easiest way is to put your thumbs on the inside area and lift it up with your thumbs on both sides (like removing a helmet). Careful not to break the plastic snap in the very front of it. Lift the back first, the lift back and up on it. The leather "stick boot" will come off with this. There is a rubber grommet that needs to be slipped off the stick. Also disconnect the lighter power cable clip.
Then remove the screws just below the radio.
Pull out the plastic bucket in the armrest.
Inside you will find screws that hold the console down. Remove the console.
2. Remove the ashtray lid.
3. Remove the ashtray itself
4. I lined up the cupholder over the ashtray & lightly marked with pencil where the approx. ouline would be. and marked where the cups extended down & touched the console ( a smaller circle ).
5. I wrapped a hacksaw blade with a towel & started cutting. I made sure that the first cut was much smaller than the eventual hole would be. remove the old ashtray holder & the cigarette lighter. disconnect the hot wire & the ground wire. The hot wire is insulated pretty good but you may want to tape it with electricians tape anyways.
6. Then I kept trying the cupholder & making the hole bigger & bigger until it just about fit.
I had to make the hole exactly line up with the two knotched pins that would eventually hold it at the front.
I also had to mark & then cut the slot at the back where the plastic latch would slide under.
I used the hacksaw blade to notch the pins to lock against the hole ( see the pics )
I sanded the edges of the hole smooth with medium grit paper.
I cleaned up all the filings & bits & re-installed the console in the car.
7. Took it for a test drive to my local Tim Horton's to check out the handling with a large coffee in the holder.... Perfecto!
July 26/98
I have a couple new ideas.
- I was thinking of finding out how much a '98 console would cost. that way a person could put the original console away & replace it in the car in the future, if the owner wanted to put it back to original condition.
Update: I understand this will work except for us gray interior owners, they changed the shade of gray for '98.
- I made a template from my cupholder hole, & here it is:
( Note: Print as 7.25 inches by 10 inches to get correct size, I printed it OK in Paint Shop Pro V4, I set the print size in: Page Stup, Image Size & turn off Maintain Aspect Ratio )
My Template
Template New, prints better in IE5.5