Then I guess you either have a big interest in Camaro's or you have nothing better to do with your time. Either way...thanks for sticking around! When I first started this site up in early '98 I really wanted to do so much with it. Galleries, pics of how my own car was coming along, readers rides, loads of links and other stuff that no self respecting Camaro owner would want to miss. Well, I guess that's going to take me a little longer than I first thought, so you'll just have to bear with me. When I have had the time I have been studying other sites to give me some ideas to improve this one, but I can't do it on my own, I need all your help. If you have any ideas for things you'd like to see on here, Mail me and I'll sit here and slave over a hot keyboard whilst I could be driving my toy! (Just kidding). NOTE:- Many of these pages have little on them at present. I will fill them as time permits.
The Gallery : Will be filled with pics of cool cars and other f-body related stuff
Readers Rides : Got a Camaro you want the world to see? Send me a pic and a short bio and I'll put it in here.
Fun stuff : Chevy jokes, animated gif's, crap pics. In fact just about anything I find that doesn't fit into another category.
Links : Some bookmarks I find useful and/or funny.
Classifieds : Got something Camaro related to sell, or is there a part you desperately need? Send me the details and I'll put it up here for no charge.
Pics of my car : The horrors I found when I bought it last year, what I have done to it and what I have planned.
Well that's about it from me for now. I'll try not to leave it so long between updates from now on. I hope you like what you have seen here. Bookmark my page and come back soon, and be sure to send me your comments (good or bad, I can take it!).
Till next time, Smoke 'Em!
October '99
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