Rod & Customs
Car Club
Westside Rod & Customs Car Club is made up of Street Rods, Custom, Classic, Muscle,and Original Restored Vehicles
                            all 25 years old or older.
  All vehicles are STREET DRIVEN daily--weather permitting.
   In addition to our regular 'Cruise Night' and regular 'Club Runs',
Westside Rod & Customs Car Club
hosts several events during the summer.  
A Club picnic and Holiday party are held each year.
You can see pictures of member cars by clicking below, or come and see Westside Rod & Customs Car Club cars in person
(along with many other custom cars)
Where:    Romanowski VFW Post
              28945 Joy Road  (East of Middlebelt)
              Westland, Michigan

When:     Every Wednesday
              6:00 p.m. -   ?????
Come and join the fun of cruising and see all the beautiful cars!
All Cars