This is the most affordable of all upgrades. All your looking at for parts is a thermostat, silicone and coolant. What your doing is tricking your computer into thinking it is running tool cool. This is done by purchasing a cooler thermostat (175-180 celcius) rather than the stock (195). Your Jeep will run cooler which is o.k., however your computer will wonder why the engine is not reaching operating temperature. The result is it will richen up the fuel/air mixture slightly resulting in a small increase in power. I have not noticed any difference in fuel comsumption, but its nice to be running a bit cooler on those hot summer days when you have a load in the back. If you read further on into my website you will realize this drop in temperature also has another job in working with cooling your engine. If you start increasing horsepower another thing increases as well-"yes heat". This will only cost you $20.00-$30.00 bucks Canadian for everything and can be done in 1/2 hour.