Sunroof Instalation
By: James (fieroman- ICQ)
Introduction: These instructions explain the steps to be taken when installing a factory sunroof in a Pontiac Fiero. This procedure can be completed by anyone as long as all instructions are followed closely and are read before attempting the conversion. This procedure consists of removing the front half of the fiberglass skin on the top of the car and replacing it with a skin which has a factory sunroof. Extreme care must be taken when attempting this procedure because the fiberglass strips that run alongside the windshield are very thin and break easily. All the sealer that holds them down must be cut before the removing of the skin can take place. Tools Needed: Regular and Phillips screwdrivers. Pliers 10 MM socket and driver 2 Bottles of RTV sealer Windshield molding Utility Knife Instructions: 1. Begin by removing the dome light, sun visors and ceiling trim. The dome light and sun visors can simply be unscrewed and removed. The ceiling trim just snaps in. 2. Remove the headliner. Be careful not to break the two plastic clips that hold it up by the rear window. They are on the underside of the headliner. 3. Open the front hood. Remove the windshield wiper arms by pulling up on them with a small prybar. 4. Remove the plastic skirting that runs along the bottom of the windshield. This simply unscrews. 5. Remove the first two fender bolts closest to the windshield on both sides. These are what attaches the fiberglass strips that run along the windshield to the body. 6. Remove the metal rain gutter that runs along the roof above the doors. This simply knocks out with a flat screwdriver. 7. Remove the thin black plastic windshield molding by pulling up on it with pliers. 8. Remove the bolts that hold the fiberglass skin to the metal body. These are located inside the car. See figure 1. 9. After all the bolts are removed, you and an assistant carefully begin pulling up on the skin. It only needs to be raised 1?. CAUTION: Be careful not to break the fiberglass strips that run alongside the windshield. They are held on with an automotive sealer and can break very easily! 10. After the skin is lifted from the metal roof about 1?, begin cutting the sealer with an utility knife or a flat screwdriver. 11. After all the sealer has been cut, lift the fiberglass skin off carefully. 12. Clean the metal roof thoroughly. Make sure to remove all excess sealer and dirt before beginning reinstallation. 13. After roof is clean, apply a thick bead of RTV sealer where the old sealer was. 14. Place the new fiberglass skin on the metal roof. 15. Reinstall the bolts that hold the fiberglass skin on. See figure 1. 16. Reinstall the two fender bolts. 17. Reinstall the black rubber windshield seal. Use a new one to prevent leaking. 18. Reinstall the metal rain gutter by pressing it on with your hand. 19. Reinstall the plastic skirting that runs along the bottom of the windshield. 20. Reinstall the wiper arms by pressing them on. 21. Reinstall the headliner. Make sure to use the headliner with the sunroof hole already in it. 22. Reinstall the dome light and sun visors. Now you are set to cruise around town with the sunroof open. To remove the glass, pop it open and press the two buttons on each side of the glass. Then push up on the glass. The whole thing pulls out and installs under your front hood. To reinstall it, do the opposite of removal. Now, sit back and enjoy your work. I also have pix of my car. I can send those to u through ICQ. Talk to u later, James
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