This is the page where I tell everyone about my bugs. Actually I'm just going to post some pictures here for now. I'll be writing about how I got them, and my plans on another page.
Here is a picture of my Baja, circa 1973As you can see by the inspection sticker in the window she has been sitting for awhile. The sticker reads 6/96. So the car has sat since before then. I've patched the floors, finished the rebuild on the engine, and started on the interior. I've done the brakes, drums, wheel cylinders, shoes, everything. I wish I had taken pictures of all this, but I wasn't planning on a web site at the time. My main goal for this car is to get it through our state (Va.) inspection so that I can liscense the car. Oh, and drive it too.
I still need to get the ball joints replaced, wiper blades, finish bleeding the brakes, and plastic inserts for the seat tracks. Once I've done that then I can begin to do some serious fixin' up. All new rubber, paint. and some rust repair. I'm looking forward to all of this sometime in the near future.
Here is another view of my Baja.
I've begun to strip the paint off the fiberglass in anticipation of the paint job. The more prep I do my self will save me money when the time comes. I will also try to do the metal work myself as well. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
The engine is stock with a small stinger exhaust. Very loud, and I'm sure it PO's the neighbors when I get it cranked up. I've kept the heater boxes 'cause it does get cold here. When I get some pics of my '72 Super I will post them as well.
Click here to see my credits page!!
Click here for engine & chassis info!!
Click here restoration information!!
Progress Report
This is a progress report on all the work I've done on the Baja so far. The Baja, and this page are both a work in progress.
- After arranging for storage, I picked up my '73 Baja.
- First thing I did was finish the engine rebuild that the previous owner had started. New pistton and ring set(and jugs) rebuilt heads, all new gaskets, and everything torqued to specs. A new 34PICT3 carb that came with it, a 009 Bosch distributor (I'll probably go back to stock) new plugs, and wires, points, condenser and a Bosch Blue Coil. New clutch, pressure plate and throw out bearing while I was at it. I put the heater boxes on , but left the exhaust off for now.
- Checked out the tranny and cv joints as best as I could. Replaced the rear shocks while I had better access to them. Oh, and put a new throtle cable in as well.
- Next thing was to put the engine in. I was amazed at how easy it slipped righ in. Didn't have to wrestle with it or anything. Should have known something would go wrong later.
- Got all the electrical connections on right, and hooked up the exhaust. An extractor that came with it and a small stinger. I knew it would be loud, but some of my neighbors are a little stuffy and I thought this might loosen them up a bit!! I also drained the fuel tank at this time. It had been sitting for about three years and I thought for sure the tank would be clogged. I was wrong. The gas was bad, but free flowing and not even a little cloudy. Someone must have coated the tank before I got it because there was no rust in the fuel. I cahnged all the fuel lines and put in some fresh gas. I hooked up the new battery, put in the key and started to turn it over. Shotly after that I goy my first little sputter. That was all for now. Couldn't run it in the storage place anyway! YEAH!!!
- I had arranged with a shop to do the brake work on trade. I belong to an exchange group that trades services. They said they would do it, but turned out to be lame little a^% wipes instead. The backed out, called two days later and said they would do it, then a week later called to back out again. If you live in Hampton Roads, Va. and want the name of the shop let me know. It wasn't a VW shop since most of those around here are pretty cool. Is sucked though since this was the last few weeks of really good weather, and now I would have to do it myself.
- I was now out of a storage place since I had to put my other bug (a 72 Super) into it. I had to do this in my driveway and I was sure one if the locals would snitch on me. Luckily half the neighborhood was out doing auto work that weekend. I replaced all four drums, shoes, wheel cylinders, all hardware, and front wheel bearings. I also had to replace the long brake line from front to back. This was a bit of a pain, but not too bad. I didn't get a chance to bleed the brakes since the weather was turning bad. I didn't figure I would be driving for awhile anyway.
- Next, I tackled the big old holes in the floor. I will eventually replce the pans, but funds and time keep me from it right now. First I cut out as much rust that I could. I then cut and shaped sheet metal to cover all those holes. I used screws and rivots to secure them. I painted both sides before and after they went in. To make sure there were no holes left ( our state inspectors can be a real pain sometimes) I covered the floors with fiberglass tape and resin. When this dried I also painted it black. It seems that this makes good insulation as well. Go figure! I have many more rust areas to repair, but the floors were the worst. I treated all other areas to keep the rust from spreading.
- Pulled out the old , nasty carpet. I went to Lowes and bought some low pile, heavy traffic carpet in a nice grey color. I also got a sheet of that blue foam sheething to use as insulation under it. Used the old pieces as a template and cut out the new carpet sections. I then cut the board to go under it. It was pretty easy to put it all back in once I figure out where it all went. Looks pretty good, but I figure I'll redo it when I do the pans later.
- I began to tune the engine. This is where the group at r.a.m.v.a. (news group and The Wall helped out a great deal. I had never tuned an engine with an 009 before, and I found out it is a little more difficult with a 34PICT3 carb as well. After a great deal of reading and trial and error, I finally got the engine running pretty well. I was having a bit of trouble with it wanting to stall when it came back to idle. Yep! Back to the reading, and trial and error stuff. I don't have an advance timing light so I had to time it staticallt. After a few carb modifications I finally got it purring like a kitten.
- This now takes us up to Jan. 08, 1999. I had shoulder surgery on this day and was supposed to be out for about three weeks tops. Unfortunately my doctor finds a huge rip in my rotator cuff and I'm in surgery for seven hours while he repairs it. Recovery now two plus months. So it will be awhile before I can finish what is left in order to pass inspection.
- Three weeks after surgery I have some of the paint off the fiberglass. Gotta get it ready for paint, and this is about all I can do until I can move my arm.
- Update 2/16/99. I finished bleeding and adjusting the brakes. Not too easy considering I can only use my left are right now, but I did it. It's amazing how much easier it is to stop with these things working! When I can I'm going to bleed all the fluid out of the system since it is still a little murky (is that a word?). I also fixed the parking brake lever. The rod and spring were in wrong and it wouldn't latch when I pulled it up. Took it apart, put it back together and viola, it works. Got new cables and levers on for the heater boxes ( actually I just finished what I started weeks ago) so I can actually feel heat seeping out of the vents. When I can get under the car and tighten the tubes from the boxes It will probably work a little better I tried to check the wires on the emergency flasher but it was just too tight for one handed work. There were a couple of loose connections but they didn't solve the problem. Oh, well. I'll have to try again later.
This is a list of things I have to do to pass inspection;
- New wiper blades
- Plastic inserts for seat tracks. You know, the long ones that keep the seats from rockin'.
- Gotta get the emergency flasher to work. Probably a bad switch, or ground.
- Finish bleeding the brakes. DONE!!!
- Install the blower so the defrost works ( yeah right)
- Replace all ball joints and the tie rod ends.
As soon as I'm healthy I'll jump on all this and have it done in no time. I will also take more picture and put up some links to the tech articles that helped the most. Hope you all check back to see my progress!!!
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