Pictures around town during race week in Darlington,SC

This is where we won the pit crew competion

Ward being Ward for the fans

My sister caught me with my mouth open, figures huh?

Derrick Cope was nice enough to pose for a pic

Check out the hauler guys! They were all very nice.

Another pic of the hauler guys

Randy Lajoie showed up for autographs

Here's the Interstate hauler, Peter Jellen

My hubby David just taking it all in

I love the Quick Bunny! Boy was it hot that day though.Poor guy!

Just cuttin' up with a stand up guy!

My sis Kathy and her cut out guy

Here is that cool looking Cartoon Car

Randy Lajoie's autograph

Randy Lajoie's autograph again

Ward Burton's autograph

The hauler guys and Derrick Cope's autograph

Hey check me out, I"m a WC Champ! hehe