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Vote for the community leader of the month!

"THERE ARE NO UGLY VWs" -- sayeth Grim Reaper.

Welcome to the VW Cemetery -- a unique concept amongst thousands of cookie-cutter web pages.  A bit of photographic art, with a hint of silliness.

EMAIL 49but.jpg (4966 bytes) 48but.jpg (4595 bytes) 47but.jpg (5258 bytes) 46but.jpg (4673 bytes) 45but.jpg (5612 bytes)
42but.jpg (5838 bytes) 41but.jpg (5616 bytes) 40but.jpg (5468 bytes) 39but.jpg (5035 bytes) 44but.jpg (5275 bytes) 37but.jpg (4834 bytes)
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Click any pic above for amusing commentary and -- OH BOY! -- a bigger picture!

All the pictures have been taken by yours truly, unless otherwise specified. You may use these for whatever, just remember to give me credit, or a link.