c|net c|net
Info on just about every online games and many other products.

Computer Gaming World Computer Gaming World
On-line counterpart to CGW Magazine, this site has reviews, gaming news, a download area, and other information on computer gaming.

Games Domain Games Domain
Lots of useful info. on many games and other programs.

Happy Puppy Games Happy Puppy Games
A collection of shareware, reviews, previews, and articles on games of all types.

Kali Kali Home Page
Play multi-player games over the Internet using Kali's IPX-emulation software.

PC-Gamer Online PC-Gamer Online
Check out the internet edition of PC-Gamer Magazine.

3D Realms3D Realms
Great software company. There biggest game so far is Duke Nukem 3D.

Blizzard EntertainmentBlizzard Entertainment
One of the best software companies. Great games like Warcraft II, and Diablo.

Id SoftwareId Software
Really cool maker of 3D games, eg. Doom.

The Basketball ZoneThe Basketball Zone
If you like basketball this site is for you.

MTV OnlineMTV Online
This is coolest music page of all time!!

This is a great page if you have the Windows '95 operating system. There is lots of updates and other useful programs to download for free.

Microsoft CorporationMicrosoft Corporation
The Main page for PC users. Millions of programs to download and lots of info on products thay sell.

Netscape CommunicationsNetscape Communications
The best browser around!

Motocross MagazineMotocross Magazine
The coolest dirtbike site to find pictures and many more!!!

[Hobbes Animation] Calvin and Hobbes on the WWW[Calvin Animation] Calvin and Hobbes on the WWWCalvin & Hobbes
The coolest Calvin and Hobbes page around!

I still haven't found a shareware program not on it.

Searching for something?

or Dirtbike Links
or My Duke Nukem 3D Page
or My Cars,Trucks,And Jeep Links.