Opinions Unleashed

Thanks for stopping by. Let me know if you like the page so far.

Robert LeDrew - 12/08/00 15:41:47
My URL:http://www3.nf.sympatico.ca/rob.led
My Email:rledrew@warp.nfld.net

Great looking site good selection of midi. I was looking for George Fox "I Give You My World". Do you know where I can get it?

Jake - 10/10/00 04:54:34
My Email:jakeauth@aol.com
Favorite NFL Team: Tampa Bay Bucs

I am in desperate need of a midi for a Collin Raye song, "A Mother and Father's Prayer". I am singing in a wedding on October 21st and cannot find the music for it. It is on his "Counting Sheep" CD. Any thoughts?

bev - 04/10/00 00:59:30
My URL:http://home.thirdage.com/Volunteering/clock
My Email:capricorn45@webtv.net
Favorite NFL Team: seattle seahawks
Favorite Nascar Driver: Ernhart
Favorite URL(Link): MANY

Keep up the good work. QUESTION, have trouble or don't know how to put music on my website. Could you HELP? GREAT SITE

Jesse A. Lucy - 01/06/00 21:57:37
My Email:groundhog_ou812@yahoo.com
Favorite NFL Team: New England Patriots
Favorite Nascar Driver: Don't have one

Hey, cool site. I am a fairly new AMMO troop stationed here in Lackland. So far so good. Feel free to e-mail me, keep me up dated on current AMMO events. Thanks.

Rob - 12/11/99 21:47:53
My Email:masdar@visuallink.com

Scott... Can you please help me locate a Sgt Timothy Stewart. He is an AMMO troop originally from Fla. He was there at Eglin and worked in the bomb dump on the tac side. We were at Kunsan at the same time from 82 to 83. I got out in 85 and have no way to get n contact with him. I now blow up rocks in rock quarries and have done so in Tx.,Ok.,S.C.,N.C.,Ark.,Va.,W.V.,Md.,Pa., So if you or anyone you know wants to know what they can do on the outside with the experience the have attchieved e-mail me. Thanks, Ex-AMMO Troop p.s. cool site

Bo Sharp - 12/02/99 23:29:27
My URL:http://drink.to/happiness
My Email:bojangelr@hotmail.com
Favorite URL(Link): http://drink.to/happiness

your page kinda messes up sometimes. it freezes.

Rob - 11/25/99 03:36:48
My Email:masdar@visuallink.com

AMMOOOOO....HOUGH!!! From one AMMO troup to another youv done a great job. Could you possibly help me locate another AMMO troup whom I have lost contact with. I got out in 85 and dont have the resorces. Please help.... Rob

- 10/12/99 22:14:45


- 10/12/99 22:14:16
My Email:Gypsygold@yahool.com

My Media player wont save mids from your page

Andrea Olinger - 09/28/99 18:14:11
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/mommie2tay/olingermarcoullier
My Email:mommie2tay@webtv.net
Favorite NFL Team: Carolina Panthers
Favorite Nascar Driver: Terry LaBonte

I was wondering if there was any way that you could help me put a song on my webpage. I listened to Angels Among Us and I think it would be perfect for my page dedicated to all of the Epidermolysis Bullosa angels, including my baby. Please let e know if oure willing to help me. Andrea

Jenna - REVISION - 09/02/99 19:30:26
My Email:ImajenCap@aol.com

Typo on my e-mail address when i filled out the first time... This one is right. Sorry!

Jenna - 09/02/99 19:27:34
My URL:http://geocities.com/wellesley atrium/7622
My Email:ImajemCap@aol.com
Favorite NFL Team: ...
Favorite Nascar Driver: ...
Favorite URL(Link): ...

I am pretty new to the web page thing. I just started mine so it is really far from being finished. I really like what you've done. I've thought about having something similar linked to my page. LOVE the dancing people - (saved them!)

Charles Larson - 08/27/99 05:09:05
My Email:clarson@kcinter.net

Hey Scott, I was stationed with you at Morbach. Cool sight, and tell all the AMMO troops IYAAYAS. Later, Chuck

Brent Hopfinger - 08/22/99 07:10:42
My Email:bhoppy@minot.com

I'm so glad that there are web pages out there dedicated to AMMO. Thanks for the great site.

Jason Morales - 07/07/99 08:11:23
My Email:prince_jasonmorales@yahoo.com
Favorite NFL Team: 49'ers

You have some cool songs and stuff. Keep up the good work. I'll come back and visit if you have any more songs avaible. See Ya Later.

Wanita - 06/21/99 03:08:49
My URL:/SouthBeach/Pointe/6505
My Email:nitabug@yournet.com
Favorite NFL Team: Cowboys
Favorite Nascar Driver: Dale Earnhardt
Favorite URL(Link): any good music site

love your site. your midi's are wonderful...will definitely be back... would you know how i could get hold of a midi of "feed jake" by Pirates of the Mississippi? i would really like to find it... keep up the good work...keep smilin' bug

Tammy aka Angelsbreath - 05/01/99 19:42:13
My URL:http://millennium.fortunecity.com/kermit/549/index.html
My Email:angel109@leading.net
Favorite NFL Team: ummmm... Hope you're talking about football here... LOL if so.. I think I can say.. ummm I dont have a favorite..*S*
Favorite Nascar Driver: Ahhh Ha... let me see.. I guess my hubby wouldn't qualify for this slot would he??LOL
Favorite URL(Link): http://millennium.fortunecity.com/kermit/549/praywithus.html

Scott, What an Excellent site!! It's just too Awesome! I seen it all! I love the page that you dedicated to kristy! That was so sweet!! You've done and Awesome job, I hope someday I can do work like this! Please one thing though.. Ya have ta add "Read My M nd" to Reba's Country Selection of music! I love that song...*S* It's my favorite! I'll Be Back!!LOL Tammy aka Angelsbreath

Casey Schmidt - 03/12/99 16:20:51
My Email:schmidt@as.net
Favorite NFL Team: Not Tampa Bay
Favorite Nascar Driver: Me
Favorite URL(Link): nunya.com

You are a huge putz!!! I have been trying to get your email address since I left the heath. Now I stumble accross your little site here and it belongs to Scott Kirkland. Hey Scott email me back at home or at work thomas.schmidt@edwards.af.mil I would love to here from you and whats been happening oveer the last 18 months. I'm still scanning your site and it looks good. I appriciated your wifes page. Will be good to hear from you. Casey

Toy - 02/14/99 13:59:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/1459
My Email:tbird1@sprint.ca
Favorite NFL Team: Dallas Cowboys
Favorite Nascar Driver: Dale Earnheart

I have been searching for so long for a site like this! Ta-Da! I found it! It's great! Thank you for all your hard work for all of us great midi lovers!

The Moore family - 02/07/99 15:00:57
My Email:rkmoore@cpis.net

What, no more Reclyner Heaven?? Oh NO!!!!!!! We will miss it more than words can say but I'm sure that we'll learn to accept and maybe even love the new makeover as time goes by. Tee hee!!!! Yes, we like the changes, cool juke box by the way! Talk soon, b e!!

~Angelanne~ - 01/28/99 23:40:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/6150
My Email:angelanne_98@yahoo.com

You both have great sites...thanks again for all your help....God bless...~Angelanne~

Me! - 01/09/99 15:00:11
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/7516
My Email:MaWeavil@ivillage.com
Favorite NFL Team: Not telling ya!
Favorite Nascar Driver: Not telling ya THAT either!
Favorite URL(Link): Definately NOT this page! LOL


I got an opinion, a gripe AND a grief! First, my opinion: Pretty cool index page! Great start with one of the BEST teams in the WORLD! LOL Better than Florida, anyway! LOL
Now, for my gripe! I can't remember what it was since we're fighting thr ugh ICQ right now! LOL
And finally, my grief! I forgot that too! LOL
I've signed your GB, now you gotta come over and sign mine! And remember, be NICE 'cause it's my birthday in a few days!

Jack - 01/05/99 14:25:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kcaj22
My Email:kcaj22@mail.icomnet.com
Favorite NFL Team: Panthers
Favorite Nascar Driver: Gordon
Favorite URL(Link): www.mirabilis.com

Just happen to run across your site from Laura's Midi Heaven. Glad I DID!!! You have a great page with lots of excellent information. I have bookmarked and will be back to keep up on the marriage and just the great life you seem to share with eachother

Annabelle - 10/21/98 00:56:31
My Email:Awhite8000@aol.com
Favorite NFL Team: Tennessee Oilers
Favorite Nascar Driver: yuk!
Favorite URL(Link): nashville.citysearch.com

Enjoyed your site. Anyone who calls Music City "home away from home" gets all this Nashvillian's vote! I'll be checking back later.

Melissa Johnson - 08/10/98 23:19:24
My URL:http://www.hujo.com/nashville/sports/vols/forum/forumpage1.html
My Email:melissa@hujo.com
Favorite NFL Team: OOOOPS below!--- Oilers that is! heh heh
Favorite Nascar Driver: Waltrip <- same birthday as mine.. ;}
Favorite URL(Link): uhhhhhhh......errrrrr


Melissa Johnson - 08/10/98 23:18:20
My URL:http://www.hujo.com/nashville/sports/vols/forum/forumpage1.html
My Email:melissa@hujo.com
Favorite NFL Team: GO VOLS!
Favorite Nascar Driver: Waltrip <- same birthday as mine.. ;}
Favorite URL(Link): uhhhhhhh......errrrrr


Ma Weavil - 08/10/98 12:38:50
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/7516
My Email:ma-n-pa@unforgettable.com
Favorite NFL Team: Tennessee Oilers

WHERE'S DREW?!?! :^( Haven't been in here for a while so I thought I'd stop in and see what going on..... is this Midi Central or what?!? :^) You sure do have a nice selection of them! Maybe I'll have to pick something out someday...... well, CU later

Diann Hensley - 08/02/98 17:38:27
My Email:Crafty10@webtv.net
Favorite NFL Team: Tennessee Oilers
Favorite Nascar Driver: DW

I haven't been all the way thru this yet but I love what I've seen so far. Had a great time.

nemril - 06/17/98 04:56:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/3683
My Email:railstin@geocities.com
Favorite NFL Team: um..
Favorite Nascar Driver: um...
Favorite URL(Link): www.vplaces.com

great page i was looking for you e-mail but didn't find it I was wondering if you could send me "still the one" i would appreciate it

Linda - 06/12/98 01:06:42
My Email:rkmoore@cpis.net
Favorite NFL Team: What's NFL?
Favorite Nascar Driver: What's Nascar?
Favorite URL(Link): Your wife's of course!!

Hey, my computer works. Finally!!! Just thought we'd check out your new stuff. Gosh your site really stinks! No I'm just kidding!!! Don't get mad. Everything looks super. See ya.

Don Menser - 06/08/98 16:08:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Park/1729
My Email:chiefdon@hotmail.com
Favorite NFL Team: Denver Broncos
Favorite Nascar Driver: Darrell Waltrip
Favorite URL(Link): Kentucky Hoops - http://www.kentuckyconnect.com/kyhoops/index.htm

Scott, Great job with your site. Love the name...although recliner and heaven are redundant terms. Never thought I could pay a compliment to a Vol's fan, but guess us Southerners gotta stick together. Keep up the great work. I'll be back to see ya aga n. GO CATS!!! (Had to do that ya know?)

Cindy Menser - 06/08/98 12:31:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/7919
My Email:donandcin@sprynet.com
Favorite NFL Team: Broncos(bet you thought I wouldn't have one) TEE-HEE
Favorite Nascar Driver: UUUUUUMMMMMMM to many to mention..HA HA
Favorite URL(Link): Mine of course....But I have several that are dear to me...

Scott you have a awesome place here. I loved it all except maybe the nascar stuff cause I don't know hoot about it......But I loved everything else. You have done a wonderful job and it shows. Keep up the work and you need to start you a nascar webring. INT! I enjoyed my visit much....tell your lovely wife hello and see you on ICQ. Cin

Kris - 06/04/98 21:23:40
My URL:/heartland/acres/6168
My Email:wwwIlivewithya.com
Favorite NFL Team: dunno
Favorite Nascar Driver: dunno either
Favorite URL(Link): Mine of course!! :-)

You're doing a wonderful job, babe. Keep up all of your hard work!!!

mike - 05/27/98 01:27:19
My Email:killer7097@aol.com
Favorite NFL Team: Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Favorite Nascar Driver: none

This is my bros. page and it is the best site on the net.Keep it up bro.!!!!!!

Ma Weavil - 04/20/98 05:41:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/7516
My Email:ma-n-pa@unforgettable.com

Just wanted to *POP* in and tell you that I really like your page. It's coming along great! The total change of look and all the new pages you've added....... I'm impressed!

Phil Bucciarelli - 04/17/98 04:31:55
My Email:bbutch7179@mci2000.com
Favorite Nascar Driver: NO FAVORTE

AMMO HO Outstanding Job the whole site I am still ne at this BUT Yours is the best that I have seen so far. Cong. My wife and I will be married 25 years this month also the 28th. Retired Nov 91 E-7 22 years of 461 lifestile Thanks for a enjoyable ev ning.

Lori Crawley - 04/01/98 15:06:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/9893
My Email:jcrawley@seidata.com
Favorite Nascar Driver: JEFF GORDON!
Favorite URL(Link): http://www.nascar.com

Hi there! Nice page! Come check out my page sometime.

Ling - 03/26/98 05:14:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Speedway/4409
My Email:jjl02@marinemwr.or.jp
Favorite NFL Team: no football
Favorite Nascar Driver: Lets watch the sprint cars instead.

Cool AMMO page. If you aint ammo you aint sh*t!! AMMO HUH! From Okinawa!!!

Chefy - 03/12/98 12:52:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Cove/9835
My Email:chrisban@gto.net.om
Favorite URL(Link): go to many to list !

Great Page I enjoyed it and will come back agian.......


Maddog - 03/12/98 00:48:39
My Email:maddog@unforgettable.com
Favorite NFL Team: Cheifs
Favorite Nascar Driver: Anyone who wins driving backwards
Favorite URL(Link): mine, of course

Outstanding site. Enjoyed my visit.

TOM PIERCE - 03/11/98 20:25:50
My URL:http://www.yourinter.net/~myworld
My Email:tom@yourinter.net
Favorite Nascar Driver: DALE
Favorite URL(Link): MINE


Jammer - 03/10/98 22:54:07
My URL:http://www.internetx.net/~rsaunders/
My Email:rsaunders@internetx.net
Favorite NFL Team: COWBOYS
Favorite Nascar Driver: The one who drives the fastest
Favorite URL(Link): ESPN/MINE

I hope my wife doesn't see your page because if she does then I know what will be my newest addition to my site. :-)

I'll never understand the mentality of an AMMO troop, but I did find your AMMO r les pretty funny. Anyway, take it easy...

Jammer's Page

Franckie - 03/10/98 09:32:45
My URL:/Baja/Dunes/5260
My Email:toyopettus@geocities.com
Favorite URL(Link): yours

Great page. Will take me some more work to reach that level. If you've got time, please come and discover the sultanate of Oman and give me some advice to improve my page.

Welcome to Oman
Pass your mouse over the flag or click -> Beautiful Oman

Once again, well done, best regards, and C U soon.

Frances "country" Reed - 03/08/98 13:57:56
My URL:http://Computerless
Favorite NFL Team: Don't really watch much so whoever wins the game i guess.
Favorite Nascar Driver: Jeff Gordon, of course. (he is the best)
Favorite URL(Link): once again, I am computerless so i don't have a favorite YET. (maybe someday I can get me one of these here gadgats.

This is pretty neat. I am just glad that there is not someone standing over my shoulder watching me type. (I am VERY slow) I really like your page but there is ONE problem. There are no pictures of ME. Why is that? I guess you just aren't finished yet, RI HT? Besides that, It looks really good. Talk to you later.

Kristy - 02/20/98 20:00:42
My URL:http://you know.com
My Email:you know this too
Favorite NFL Team: dunno
Favorite Nascar Driver: dunno
Favorite URL(Link): mine

just trying this out to see if it works....

Audrey - 02/16/98 00:41:27
My URL:http://www.idigital.net/pwong/
My Email:audrey@idigital.net

Hi there! :) You've done a great job on your site, and I luv the layout, graphics, and super cool features! It's evident that you have put a lot of effort into your page. Congrats on your accomplishments!! I hope you will visit my site again sometime as well. Just click the banner below! Hey, wanna link to each other's site? If so, let me know! Until then, take care!

Audrey's World

Ma Weavil - 02/05/98 12:26:29
My URL:http://you know where
My Email:you@know it is
Favorite NFL Team: Need you ask?
Favorite Nascar Driver: Like I know of any!
Favorite URL(Link): Mine of course!

Love the new look Scott! I see you've done a lot of work! C-ya on the net!

Canuck#17(UBDW) - 01/11/98 05:37:29
My Email:morris@logicallink.com
Favorite NFL Team: NFL? CFL Rules! Go Saskatchewan Roughriders!!!
Favorite Nascar Driver: Darrell Waltrip
Favorite URL(Link): http://www.tahiti-explorer.com

Hey, cool spot. Nice to see DW fans are out there supporting their guy!!!

DarWal#17 - 01/11/98 02:59:11
My URL:http://don't.got.one.com
My Email:darwal@hotmail.com
Favorite Nascar Driver: Darrell Waltrip
Favorite URL(Link): www.jayski.com

Hey GREAT page! Neat to see some other DW fanatics out there. Hey if you get a chance you otta download ICQ (if you haven't already) because I have it and I also have 4 or 5 real diehard DW fans on my list. We have alot of fun talking about DW and what ver else pops up into the conversation. E-mail me if you are interested and have a little time each week to talk DW.

jrs88 - 01/10/98 22:16:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Speedway/5764
Favorite NFL Team: Lions(but hubby likes the Bucs!)
Favorite Nascar Driver: Dale Jarrett !!

interesting to see football on a race car page...

Andy Bousley - 11/26/97 23:07:20
My Email:sjw@iquest.net
Favorite NFL Team: Indy Colts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Nascar Driver: Jeff Gordon

Hey big S.W!!!!! Hows it goin' you big lug?! I didn't know you were making a webpage!

Jane Doe - 11/22/97 22:04:13
My URL:http://noneofyourbusiness
My Email:also@noneofyourbusiness
Favorite NFL Team: The one with the cutest players.
Favorite Nascar Driver: The cutest one.
Favorite URL(Link): mine

YOu've been looking lately to see if anyone new has signed your page, so now there is. ME! Great page! Keep it up! }:-)

Doc - 11/06/97 13:37:09
My URL:http://www.sumter.net/~pitroad/corvettelink.htm
My Email:pitroad@sumter.net

Change in my vette page. NEW URL.. check it out Doc Cool pages, see ya tonight (maybe/maybenot)

Ma Weavil - 10/26/97 16:13:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/prairie/7516
My Email:weavil@mayanet.com.tr
Favorite NFL Team: Oilers
Favorite Nascar Driver: Don't know
Favorite URL(Link): Mine!!!!!!!

Looking Great!!!!! Glad to be back on the 'puter? You gotta share now! Ha-Ha! Keep up the good work!

Kristy Kirkland - 10/26/97 06:07:32
My URL:http://angelfire.com/sc/artzy/index.html
My Email:kirkland@haleys.net
Favorite NFL Team: Bucs!
Favorite Nascar Driver: me! :-)

Well after hours of work, we finally got this damn page up and running.....! Looks great, babe!

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