Houston, TX


Four members of the Red Stripe 69 S.C. attended the "Hot Rod Nationals" in Richwoods, Missouri, in 1997. This rally attracted scooterists from as far as Toronto, Canada.
Here are some pictures from the trip!

On the way to the rally
The Texas campsite
Scott and Steven
The picture Chad didn't want you to see

The Red Stripe 69 Scooter Club attended the 1998 Hard Luck "Scooter Rodeo" to represent southern Texas. The rally was held in Richwoods, Missouri, southwest of St. Louis, on September 4, 5, and 6. One of our members, Steve Burnett, won the scooter raffle and opted for the early '60s Lambretta LI125 ser. 3, once a proud steed of the illustrious Shriners! Here are some pictures.

Steven and his Shriner steed
Chad and Jim Bradford at the Texas campsite
Dave givin' some love
Dave in the pack
Chad, Dave, and Ray at the campsite
Red Stripe faces in the crowd

Club News
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