This page is not for the weak of heart or strong of mind. It's shamelessly dedicated to myself, Hammer! Quite possibly the most intriguing site on the internet. There have been many comments regarding this site, according to my congressman. So, with that kind of encouragement, let me proceed......
After many long years
in high school I joined the Marines in 1971 in order to make the world
a better place. I was given a warm welcome when I arrived at Paris Island
and life as a Marine began. I was very interested in Force Recon and becoming
a Recon
Ranger; given my aptitude
(or lack of it) and my background, which was hunting and trapping. So,
I requested the MOS and was sent to aviation school. I became a flight
engineer on KC-130's, spending the majority of my time in SEA.
They said not to tell
anyone at home that I was in some place called Cambodia, but it didn't
make much sense to me. Nor did much else for that matter. But America was
behind me, and that's all that mattered.
During my stay on Okinawa,
I resumed training in the martial arts and eventually worked my way up
to doorman. I eventually moved on to kick boxing and started to fight professionally.
But all good things
have to end, and this period in life is no exception. I left the Corps
in 1975, a much better person for all that it did for me. After a lot of
thought and planning one day, I decided to move to Bangkok, Thailand: life
would never be the same for me. I remained there for a few years, teaching
English and taught myself to read, write and speak Thai, along with some
Laos. I also married my wife of 20 years.
We returned to the
states, and jumped back into the only thing I knew, the Marines. They were
very generous and let us stay in sub standard housing that was build prior
to WWI. A son was born and
life was getting better
defined (constrained?). So for two years, I taught the martial arts, hunted
and assured the world that Cambodia would never pose a threat to America
again! Then I left two years later.
I decided to go to school, to think logically and become an even better person. So in the course of two years, I received my BA in Linguistics, had another son, secured my present job and quit fighting professionally after 10 years. I then started law school, but after one year, realized my terrible mistake and thought about becoming a monk. During this period, I had several bikes, Harley's, and found in them the meaning of life.
I now work as a logistician
for the Dept of Defense, working in foreign military sales of combat equipment.
In the case of Thailand, I provide translations during contract negotiations
and technical support for equipment during deliveries.
I still teach the
martial arts on occasion and work out 7 days a week. I ride my beloved
FXST every chance I get and dream of some day getting out of the deep freeze
of Michigan and moving to a more humane and habitable climate.