Hi! Welcome to the HyPeRsOnIc RaCiNg LiL LoUnGe...sit back and relax!

Brass Monkey (Live Remix)
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Frank and Billyz Racing -Formally FBR RaCiNg

Dang I wanna ride...the bike? nah the girl! -Bad Billy~Zeez-
WeLl MaHaLoZ~thAnKz~ for stepping into my dark, but cosey lil LoUnGe! :)

Hope you like the lil medley of pixz from Laguna Seca the Meca of Sportbike RaCiNg on the US west coast!

Do Y@ need anything to drink? Nowz da time to ask...My LoNgE is stocked with a full on hard~core bar!!!....No LiGhT~WeIgHtz here! ~GrInInG~


Just me with my friend,AMA Superbike rider Mark Miller,from team HyerCycle... at Las Vegas International Raceway. This was my last race with Mark.. boy did he kick my @$$ on the track...but its all good! Racing is racing.. I almost ate it too! Gotta watch that back horseshoe turn very scary if you don't get the enterance speed right!!!

Just me with my other girlfriend(GSXRr)...yeah right its only a bike :)
My FaVoRiTe place to TaLk StOrIeZ on the net is a cosey place called:
HCU!~CuTe HuH~

Can you $@Y R1???

RiGhT NoW I would like to say"HI" to all my KooL FrIeNdZ from HCU.....

NSG-Sup to my braddah from down the block?! We had fun rippin' the roads of "NS"!! Remember the HS dayz? "SlUrPeEz" ~lol~ Cool having y@ as a friend...on "K" street wound be very boring w/o Y@ braddah!!!

KoLoHe- Sup Braddah cus. Another of my cool braddahs from "K" street. Cool cruising wit y@ back in the dayz. Eh next time we go cook out at my place -the upper deck- with the old gang from high school! take care braddah!

SweetLiLBibingka ...aka Meilani and her lil sis Miss Lumpia ...Hugz to Y@ two Girlz..nice to know one of the sweetest and caring ladies in HCU...humm Mei One of these dayz I'm going to fly my plane into Cali & maybe we can go to lunch SoMeTiME?

MAYA- Big HugZ to mine lil cruising partner...Was kwel cruising wit Ch@ around the island that day...Hummm Maybe next time we go cruising we can go in your lil hot, racy, stylin' and "I gotta put some shapes on because that hot pink is killin' my vision!!!" ~lol~ jus joke sistah :) your InTeGrA is da BoMb!!!

Babytaz & AMA you too sistahz... "hugz" to Y@ girlz...both of y@ too sweet :) Babytaz...You gotta come clubbin' and to da barz wit me...*S*

CHIP-Hugs to Y@...your really kwel in my book...cause you ride BiKeZ!!! even though its a baby NiNjA it still kicks! Also your such a Sweet-Tee on the net :)

Hokulani- HugZ to Y@ NSG-North~Shore~Girl- thanks for all the cool advice and funny stuff off the web...mahalos sistah!!!

S@$$Y~GIRL Hey sistah just wanna give a ya a big hug...take care of your sweet self and thanks for being a friend! And we'll go riding sometime when you get your sportbike or I'll let you ride mine *S*

Phoebe.....hey much alohas to ya girl... hey keep smiling now...maui has good ono~lish potato chips :)

ChRy$$ie Hey Q~TEE you're the sweetest! Just wanna give ya a big warm hug -the ones that make you feel fuzzy all over- Stay sweet as can be. And next time... maybe playing pool you can show me a thing or too...okay hugz-n-kissez xoxoxo @)+-- luv~luz Muah!

SwEeT fILipInAfAnTaCy GiRl aka "Baby Love"... Myla... Super hugz to Y@... to my sistah from WA you are the best... anytime you need a friend I'm here for Y@.. and you know how to get in touch with me.. till next MUAH! take care of your sweet self :)

AnGeLiC~EyEs You are too sweet! MUAH! and hugz -the warm fuzzy onez- WellI hope to see your book out soon... Till then my lil dear sweet Kauaian Angel from the "Garden Isle" take care of your cute -n- lovable self! cause billy carez too. "XO"

RIEN and MATT from "UA" mahalos for letting meeh crash on the couch for a month.

HGirl,Kama'aina'ole, Tara, Aloha Girl, PlEaSuRe PiNay, BrownEyedGirl,BaByBoo, Edwayne, PinOy RaCeR, GREEDY,Mango Girl, Koloheboy, Sueko Baby, ~Kauai Girl~, Da Hawaiian, Asian Princess, Pooh Bear, STAR776, Naya, Darius, Poster girl, Hyper GirL, and GIRL4U

...and to whom ever I missed on HCU I'll catch next time, till then keep smiling :)

Just another typical Sunday Ride...all by my lone-some!?

Just wanna say Kaua'i Girls Rule!!! @)+--
Extra Shouts out to Jennifer D_L. out there in Daytona Beach, FL over @ hOOterS!!! She's gonna be famous!
Someday I'll find "TRUE LOVE"....= yeah = till then I'll just fly F@$t Pl@nEs and RaCe F@$t BiKe$!!!!

Anna Kournakova!
I know... its nothing to do with sportbikes...but...C'mon! =DEAL WITH IT!=

Ain't "Turn One" .... a BiTcH !@#$%
Gee I hope EvErYoNe is KiCkIn'it right now?!


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