Before Surgery.....

After Surgery.....

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U want to know more about me?
Being my first attempt to write a homepage,
many thanks go to the various wonderful people who'd helped me out!
Thanx Keith! Thanx Shirley! Thanx Amanta! Thanx Suey!
Thanx +++ to Petra, who allowed me to use his precious designs & format....
Their pages are here.
Also, thankyou for all the +ve and -ve comments! Anymore? Even though I enjoy a variety of sports,
motor sports have always fascinated me.

Be it cars, bikes, or go-karting.....

So, who am I?

The chubby li'o boy! Playing, and going to school...

....and my brother Paul.... Hee hee.

... .and my grannies

...and my daughter...... I wish! She is sooo cute isn't she!

Speaking of cute babies.... whaddaya think of my niece?

How about my good friends?

Check out the catch of the day!!

How about that awesome MC for the 1993 HKSS Annual Ball?

Actually, the only fan he has.... is....

A plug to my other pages.....
Car lover? Come this way for Honda EG-6 Civic!
Or the awesome S2000 AP-1
And this way to a modified MiVec Mitsubishi CB Lancer GSR.
How about bikes?
Come join our bike "gang"....OROADSPORTS.
Anime o mitai? Kochira e doozo.
I strongly recommend this page....
Still no good? U must like something!!!
How about checking out my friends here,
and overseas?
Or check out the way we have fun!

Thanx for dropping by! C'ya.

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