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1960 Datsun 1200 pick-up

          I own the pick-up above, well not that actual one, I got the picture from the Nissan web page (the background's mine, though). Unfortunately mine is not in as good a condition, as you can tell from my pictures. It's a PLG-222 which is the model name for some of the early Datsun pick-ups. Mine is a 1960 Datsun 1200 pick-up and to my knowledge one of the first import trucks to be imported to America. They are fairly rare, I've never seen another in person, and the only other's I know of are mine, Doug's, and  the one in Nissan's,  "Dream Garage," commercial (Dogs love Trucks). Recently, I have received a picture of another old Datsun pick-up and info on another 1960 1200. Keep them coming!
        You can find pictures and info on the trucks on the truck info page. I'm still trying to find info on the dream garage one. I hope to create a collection of rare and interesting Datsun trucks on these pages, particularly focusing on the PLG-222. If you have or know of any trucks, in any condition or states of repair or disrepair, please contact me and we'll be sure to put your pics and info on these pages. I would also be interested in any info you might have on these trucks, including leads on parts, history, personal stories, the restorer of the "Dream Garage" pick-up, whatever you may have to offer please contribute. Below you'll find a little more info on a couple of  these trucks from their model guides. Be sure to check out for more of them.
Quite a slow Datsun 

 PLG-222 PLG-222 not to be confused with the rarer PLG-221 PLG-221
290k                                                                                                        302k
Thanks to for the Model Guides.
They have many more, check them out.
Dogs Love Trucks!
 Send me any info you got!