This is my Games Page, it does/will contain online playable games, brief reviews, links to places that have more info on games, and other assorted features.


Half-Life- I agree on most everything said in Next-Generation's review of the game. But I am going to elaborate on it a little. First of all when you get this game, don't be discoraged by how long it takes before you can shoot or beat up anything, this first part is ever so nesacery to the story of the game, and it is very worth the wait. If you need any help with any of the puzzles or difficult sections of the game or you just don't know what the hell to do, then drop me a line, my E-Mail is at the bottom of this page, let me know and I will help you out. I recently finished the single player part of the game, it is very very long, but it never gets monotonous, you never have to find a key ever in the whole game which a nice relief from the generic gameplay of most other First Person Shooters(FPS's). The story keeps it moving along quite well, and is one of the many great things that set this one apart from the all the me-too games out there. The multiplayer aspect of the game is loads of fun. Especially once you get the patch, it helps a lot with the lag problems that go along with net play. Also it includes two new maps, although there are many more maps out there that will automatically download if you go to a server where that map is being played, however if you dont want that map, then you can cancel the download and go to a different server. It is lots of fun so try it out.
The Team Fortress Classic Half-Life Mod.Well now there is another update for HL and now it includes a mod called Team Fortress Classic, some of you who used to play the origonal Quake know about Team Fotress. It is a whole lot like the first TF, hence the Classic part of the title. For thouse of you who don't know what TF is, its a game where you are on a team and you can take on the role of 9 different classes of players, each with its own strength's and weanesses. You and your team have a goal that you are all trying to accomplish, like capture the flag is one that a lot of people know, its just like it sounds, you are to take the enemy teams flag out of their base and to yours. Quite self-explanitory. Then there are others that are more origonal, like the hunted type map. There are still two teams, but this time there are snipers/assasins, and there are protectors, then there is one last guy, he is the hunted. The hunted is the target of the assasins, and he is the one who the defenders are protecting. The objective if the hunted is to make it from one end of the level to the other and into a vehicle and escape. This is a very interesting level that requires a lot of strategy and is always challenging and fun. There are tons of other things about this mod that I won't list here, but it is lots of fun to play and is more than worth your time to download. for more info. check out My Links Page

I have joined a clan, we are called TVT, if you would like to see the clans homepage you can see it by Clicking Here

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