It appers that some of you actually want to go to other sites than this one. Why such insanity exists is this world is beyond me, but for those of you who do fancy a journey to a distant site, this is the place that I created for you; just remember where you came from and never be affraid to admit it. (Cheesy as the preceding comment is, I was feeling somewhat comical at the time of writing, and if you don't like it I suggest you leave my site, but I guess you were gonna do that anyway, so in that case click on one of the links below and GET THE HELL OFF MY SITE!! and come back soon :)


I haven't had enough time to add all the links I should, but if you have one you want me to add, send me it and I will check it out and if I like it I will add it.

My Girlfriends Page

Here is her page.
I know that some of you might be thinking that it's a bit unfair that my girlfriend gets her own section, and you're absolutely right. But that doesn't matter because it's my page and nobody ever visits my site anyway, so why does it matter anyway?

Car Related Links

Motor Trend's Homepage has lots of car related stuff, most of it is about new cars but they have some aftermarket features as well.
Car and Driver is another good source of info. similar to what is offered by Motor Trend, although they have their own style and often feature things that MT doesn't and vice versa. has some pretty cool stuff, and the site is obviously about off-road vehilces. Pretty cool stuff if you are really into that kinda thing. is all about the hummer, anything you ever wanted to know including how many greenbacks it's gonna take before you can take one of these bad boys home and call it your own.
Ferdinand Porsche Obituary and Biography this one has a whole lot of info, very thorough.
Click Here to go to another site that is shorter, but still very good and well written.

Games Related Links

Sega Force is a HUGE site with lots of Sega related news and items. The webmaster calls himself Shinobi (not many people would know what that has to do with, but all you hardcore gamers that remember the classics will understand) and has been running his site for about 3 years now. Like I said this one is huge, although it is favors Sega, a lot, he has some good points, and shows how biased most other publications are against Sega. If you need to know more about the site, then go to it.

The Imagine Games Network or IGN is the biggest games network in the world. They Cover every platform around. These guys are professionals, they actually get paid for doing this and they love their jobs. Jaz is the head guy over there and he is a really funny guy (he runs the machine page, which is a really cool column about every type of transportation that is unique or kicks ass in a major way. He is also the boss). They are also the publisher for a number of print magazines including Next-Generation and PCAccelerator to name a few. Recently IGN has expanded and now cover all kinds of cool stuff that guys (and girls) like to read about, things like badass cars and good movies along with tons of other great stuff. If you want to know more then go and check it out 'cause this one is a real gem.

PCAccelerator is a PC only Mag. (I have a subscription) and they also run a web site. They are totally different from any other mag. I have ever read. They are guys who talk like guys, they of course have a very interesting out-look on computer games, and also talk about sexy chicks. In short, they are a bunch of guys (and a girl that is an editor, unless she quit or got fired) that write articles the way that guys normally talk.

Planet Team Fortress is a site devoted to Team Fortress and Team Fortress Classic, the Half-Life mod. There is all kinds of great stuff on this one and it is updated quite often so go check it out, it has just about everything you need to know about TF.

My Friends' Pages

Elissa's Page You have to go to this one cause if you don't you will die :) It's a cool site with lots of stuff about Quake and funny stuff about everything else, I don't know how to explain it. Just click on the damn link!! and then come back after your done there. Do you feel that sharp pain in your side? If you click on the link it will go away :)

Jill's Page: She has a whole lot of stuff, main focus points are snowboarding, poetry, etc.

Jason's Page: He has tons of features, with the Mustang page being the highlight, he also has some good features on his motorcycle and others

My Other Pages

I have made some other pages, although they aren't as good as this one, and I haven't updated them in a while, they are still pretty good, here is the first one. My First Site it is ok, check it out; it has a whole lot of text and only one pic. It's layout sucks cause it doesn't have a layout... but the content of the words is what counts right? Ummm yeah, I will take that as a yes :)

This is the third site that I made, although I don't work on it very often, it still has a some stuff, the only real thing there is a paintball feature. So if you want to see it go here.


Please come back soon and visit me.