My Motorcycle Page

This is my motorcycle page, as you might of guessed it is focused on a motorcycle; my motorcycle to be more specific. It is a '95 Honda CR125 with all kinds of modifications that make it go even faster :) I will be posting pictures and stories of things that happen with my motorcycle, so when I crash big or do something really cool you are gonna read about it here. If you wanna know something specific about it then contact me by E-Mail or ICQ, for my E-Mail addy or my ICQ # got to my About Me page.


I don't have an abundance of stories yet because I haven't ridden that much yet, I did crash once because of a stuck throttle. After a while though there will be lots of stories on here for you to read and hopefully enjoy. But until then I will simply tell you the story of my first crash.
My First Crash- It took place at my cabin, on a trail (duh). I was coming up on a fairly sharp corner in second gear at high RPM and about 1/2 to 3/4 throttle, and as I started to ease off the gas it stuck and I couldn't make the turn. I didn't get on the brakes fast enough to save my ass. So I crashed, I don't really remember how it happened, but I think I mighta gone over the bars, anyway I landed on my right hip (at the time I was recovering from an illness and my kidney's were swollen and possibly could've ruptured from a sudden blow like landing on them, although I doubt this). But it didn't end there, the bike was still running and took off into the bushes for about 3 yards before falling over and having the back tire cut about half way though a rotten log about 15 inches in diameter!! Sure am glad I didn't get my arm caught in the tire or something =) I had to go running after it and try to find the kill switch which was burried in the bushes and dirt... I finally found the button and killed the engine and hauled the bike out of the brush and back to the trail. It was then, and only then that I started to wonder about myself being injured. I took off my helmet and gloves and looked at my him, but it wasn't bad, just a big cluster of scratches. My handlebars were out of alignment and my throttle and front break handle/master cylinder assemblies got twisted around, but all of it was fixed with about 3 min of work and I was riding again. All in all not a bad crash at all, my bike and I are both fine so I am happy; happy it didn't happen while I was going faster.


I have made a picture gallary for my motorcycle, if you would like to see it then please go to My Motorcycle Picture Gallary

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