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Owner and Driver:  Patrick Fielding, Sr.   Pleasantville, PA

        This is a pic of my absolutely FAVORITE car  (and driver!)  *Smile*   It's
  the car my brother is driving this year (which in case you don't recognize  the
   class  of  car  it  is - it's a "Cadet" which  is the class just below   Limited Late

     and  Super  Late  Models.  Pat  run  his  very  first  race  on  April  25,  1998
     at  Stateline Speedway (Busti, NY) and though he didn't place first, second or
     even third - he did run very well for his first  time  out  and  finished  both  his
     heat and his feature.  Alot of the other  drivers  there  were impressed with his
     first run and said that with a little more experience on the track; he'll be running
     in  the Top 10  in  no time!   Needless to say, we are very, very  proud of him
    *VBS*    Update ...  on  July 11, 1998 Pat  took his very first CHECKERED
     FLAG  and  on  August 23rd, he took yet another checkered flag!!!   *VVBS*
      Last race of the season was September 13th and Pat took his 3rd checkered!
     3 checkereds - granted,  they may  have been all  3 heat wins but for a rookie
    driver who started right out in  the Cadet class, I think this is pretty good, don't
    you?  *Smile*   Besides Stateline, we also run the Eriez Speedway track on  a
    weekly basis, as well.

 Click here for weekly results on the 7K car!

       As for my favorite car and driver  in  NASCAR - well, I'm a fan of the #28
  car and have liked it since Davey Allison drove  it.  In  the  1997  season,  my
  driver was Ernie Irvan  when he run in the  #28,  but at the end of the season
  when  the  split  come  between  the  car  and  driver  (Ernie went to  the #36
  Skittles car), I stayed with my car and also changed drivers.  My  #1 driver  is
  now .. Dale Jarrett (who drives the  #88 car!)   BTW,  in 1998 - Kenny  Irwin

     is driving the #28 car and he looks to be a promising rookie driver.

      As for local dirt-track drivers, I have quite a  few  favorites  (though the 7K
  will  always  be my #1 love  *Smile*)   Some of  my favorite Dirt  Late Model  drivers  are  --  my  friend,   Dale Applebee  in  the  66A, Robbie Blair   in  the Won11,  the  #3s of  Chevy Scott ; the  1*  of   Chub Frank .  There are so

     many others who I really love to  see  run and respect but  unfortately there's
    not  enough  room  here  to  list  them all *Smile*   In  the Modifieds divison,
    it's  TommyKristyak  all  the  way  in  the  #26z;  although we share the same
   last name, before you  assume anything, we are not  related (with  the exception
  of course, that everyone who's really into racing  are  like one big family so, in
  that aspect - I guess we are related  *Grin*)

        I'm  a  fan  of Bobby Clark  in  the  #8  but  also  like  Bob Felmlee  in the
   #6  car  ...  both  run  at  our  local  track  (Tri-City)  and  also  both, are All-
  Stars drivers.   In the  Spectator division,  my car and driver  is BobbyPowell
  in  the B20 -  he is one of  the  hottest drivers onour  local  racing  circuit.   In  the
  Cadets  class,   as you  know  -  the   7Kcar   is ours  but  we also  have  couple
  of  good  friends who run in this division -  Don Loney   in the  #23R and  Ron
 Loney   behind  the  wheel of  the  #32T.  Last -  but  certainly  not least, in  the
 Limited Late Division are my friends,  Butch Work  in  the  #31JR;  R.J. Peebles in the #5 car and also in the #18 car is  Bill Catania, Jr.!   You can check out Bill's web page by going to:   (

       Great photography and ... I've seen many really  pretty  Super Late Model
 cars this season but Doug Eck's #03E ride is probably  one of the prettiest that
 I've seen yet; so - besides the  1* of Chub Frank,  I'd  haveta say that the pret-

    iest Super Late Model car award should go to Doug!

      Below are alot of different links to racing sites that you might like to check
  out ...some are from the NW Pennsylvania area; some aren't but they are  all
  really cool sites that I know if you take the  time to check out - you'll  be glad

      you did!

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